Let me start off by saying that this is a bit of a rant, but there are some merits to what I’m gonna say. If you disagree with any of my points, feel free to respond.
Hunters need some sort of a nerf in PvP, getting real tired of playing trials, getting to the lighthouse match, and facing a hunter 3 stack that abuses the evade and triple jump abilities. What’s even more frustrating is when I shoulder charge, shotgun blast, or do any sort of damage to a hunter, they can just dodge at the right moment and negate all damage. Definitely a crutch for sure. It’s not fun going up against someone that with one button press can immediately get behind and above you in one motion. Not to mention the exotics for hunters are tailor made for PvP for the most part.
My clan and I have had plenty of discussions on this topic, we are made up of titans, hunters, and warlocks. We did a rough estimate, just from exotics, hunters have 85%-90% PvP exotics (exotics that are made just for PvP or can be used for PvP or PvE) , warlocks are the same (mostly gauntlets), and titans have 30% PvP focused/ are good in crucible.
I have no idea what could be done to change the hunters to make them more balanced but, there is a reason why most PvP content creators and most of the PvP community uses hunters. It’s because hunters are easy mode for PvP.
Edit: almost forgot the fact that middle tree arc staff can block missile Titan super and not lose the super
I’m strictly a titan main and hunters DO NOT need a nerf at all. A lot of people gravitate towards the hunter do to aesthetic design as well as ease of use. It’s definitely the easiest class to pick up and get good with but it has its strengths and drawbacks just like every class in this game.