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Edited by TUSKENATOR: 10/11/2020 3:30:14 PM

What is your favorite season?









Mine is winter [spoiler] [/spoiler]
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  • Winter. People said I had a stone-cold heart in elementary so I gravitated towards Winter. Also, no gosh darn creepy crawlies.

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  • Winter cause its cold, no humidity, and no -blam!-ing bugs

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  • Winter Everything dies, bugs, trees, grass and plants. Shoveling > Yard Work. Boots, scarves, and coats are best in slot for fashion. Moonlight on the snow giving night that eerie blue glow.

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    • Definitely autumn. No walking in the snow, but also no melting in the heat. It’s the perfect temperature outside, and it’s also spooky season!

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    • Garlic is my favorite seasoning. I go through nearly a bulb per day!

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    • winter but summer nights are nice as well

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    • Probably a tie between early spring and early autumn.

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      definitely one of the earlier seasons of always sunny but idk which

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    • Edited by LahDsai: 10/13/2020 4:25:26 PM
      Winter. Unfortunately I live in a place where the seasons are summer, wet summer, less summer, and more summer.

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    • I like the cold.

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    • Winter in a place that actually has a winter is terrible. You're stuck inside all the time, have to wear 15 different things so you don't freeze when you do go outside, the sun just decides not to exist for months, roads get icy, you have to humidify the air so your lungs don't shrivel up. Meanwhile, winter is great in a place where it's just a different flavor of summer. The coffee shop has new drinks! All the mosquitoes are dead! Charlie Brown Christmas! Wearing scarves because they look nice, not because you're worried about your jugular turning into an icicle! Flip side is that summer in a place like Florida is hell, and summer in a place like Chicago is incredible.

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    • Cold weather is great but the trouble with winter is the days are so short and dark that after Christmas it just gets kinda depressing. Autumn is the best because it’s just cold enough in the mornings and there are still bright days every now and then.

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    • [i]Summer. My choice is based on the fact that I live in Ireland. Spring is a very short Season in Ireland, and it often too wet to do anything outdoors. Autumn is depressing if you are into horticulture. It’s sad watching all the leaves turn brown, and all the bare trees. There’s also a practical element involving constantly having to rake up these dead leaves. Autumn is also hay fever Season for me. As for Winter, I hate the cold. I also hate ice on roads and sidewalks. I live in the country, and black ice is major issue where I live. The daily commute to work when the weather turns bad is stressful.[/i]

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      • What's summer?

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        • i hate the sun and Hot weather but i also hate when it snows.............

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        • 2019 2020 when we won the prem YNWA

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        • Winter is a chain of birthdays, holidays, skiing/snowboarding, no yard work, and laughing at people elsewhere who can’t deal with snow or wear a heavy jacket when it’s still 45+ degrees Fahrenheit outside. I love it, but the rotation of seasons gives each its meaning and value. They’re all great! [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]

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          Swat The Bot
          Swat The Bot

          Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - 3/5/2025 1:21:56 PM

          Winter because I love the cold and long dark nights.

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        • Edited by Knightlight: 10/11/2020 9:29:43 PM
          Winter. My allergies don't bug me. Plus I find comfort in the cold. Fresh feeling and I get to where my russian solider hat.

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        • I love Fall/Autumn. I love October the most because you have warm days and chilly days kind of mixed throughout the month. Could be Sunny and 70 on Halloween or 40 and snowing lol I just love Fall in its entirety...

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          Fall/winter. Fall, it's still warm enough to get it in but most of the tourists have gone home. Winter because you still get dipshits, but there are far fewer of them.

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        • Turkey season followed by deer season followed by football season. Oh I guess that translates into spring, winter then fall. Suck it PETA

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          • Fall-autumn cause its nice weather

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          • I equally like summer and fall the same.

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          • Edited by Fate: 10/11/2020 4:46:39 PM
            Spring because then I get to troll my nieces and nephews with egg hunts ;) Oh the places I hide them Easter eggs lol [spoiler]trees are fun to hide them in i also glue leaves to them and hide them in bushes lol[/spoiler]

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            • [quote]Autumn, it’s cold enough for me to wear my sweaters but not too cold that I’m forced to wear my coat. Also since I don’t get much snow where I live going for walks is much prettier in autumn with the nice orange and reds all around.[/quote] ~The Bard

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