I personally believe that if something is not changed before Beyond Light, people will be crying over Icefall Mantle just as much as they did OEM pre-nerf.
Don't get me wrong, I think the exotic looks really fun & has some great builds and outplay potential w/ stacking high resilience/strength with "hands-on" mods, but there is one aspect that I think we should really nip in the bud.
[b]PLEASE[/b] make it so you cannot use the exotic while in a roaming super. I don't think it should be nerfed in any other way. Keep the regen the same as it would be, make the overshield be just an overshield, whatever; Please just do something to prevent another insurmountable + striker situation in PVP. Think of the children, man....
I know there are other [i]potentially[/i] broken new armor exotics incoming as well, like Precious Scars & Mask of Bakris, but I feel this is a case where there is a visible oversight that can be fixed before it becomes an issue.
If someone on the bungie team actually reads this, thank you for your time & I promise I say all this in good faith. <3
Asking for it not to work during Super should be a no-brainer for anyone designing exotics. Sure we had OEM issues but they should of learned from this. I’m guessing that the overshield will be more a life saving ability than anything else. That in of itself will be problematic. It won’t tank as much damage with the special weapons everywhere and 600 auto rifles ruling the roost.
Or we could wait and see how thing will play out