My fiancé and I are gay and were supposed to be married by now but covid ruined all our plans, now we are planning on getting a marriage certificate through the mail but we were hoping to have there ceremony in the game together somewhere. If there is anyway this were possible, please let me know Bungie.
Step 1: put on your most dapper attire. If you’re a warlock, the new eververse armor is perfect. Step 2: load into tower with your fiancé. Step 3 (the ceremony): Have one of you stand by Zavala, and the other walk down towards the both of you. Friends can take appropriate standing positions if any are there. Say vows, and emote when done. After Zavala says “Indeed...” he now pronounces you husband and husband, or wife and wife... Afterwards, both of you jump off the tower at the same time. You could say it shows your love and dedication to each other, but I just say it because I’m a sadistic fecker. Alternatively, you could enter private matches (Mayhem) with your fiancé and friends if any are involved, do a little ceremony, then all use your supers and destroy each other. Personally I think it’s the most romantic choice, if we’re being honest.