Hi! I'm a console player, but since the Xbox Series X will not be running 60 frames and 4k at Beyond Light's launch, I've decided to grab a PC in order to enjoy the expansion in all of its glory. I thought I could keep my preorder on Xbox and simply use the PC Gamepass to access Beyond Light, but seems to not be an option for Beyond Light's immediate release.
I'm hesitant because I don't want any long-lasting affects on my account from cancelling my pre-order on Xbox. I've heard that the seasons are multiplatform, but the expansions are not due to whatever constraint. If I could just transfer my already ordered expansion to PC, that would be optimal. I'm just curious what this community on Bungie has to say about the matter. Thank you!
Sike. I'm responding to my own post because I don't think there is a refund for these digital pre-orders through Xbox. :-(