Only days away from the close of the season, however I'm sure there's perhaps ONE person; a lone wolf- on the cusp of obtaining the Reckoner seal despite drowning in overwhelming frustrations from janky AI, bloodthirsty teammates and perpetual heavy ammo shortages when you need it most. THIS GUIDE IS FOR YOU. 🙂 I'm providing details that worked for me, as a solo player. Make of it what you will.
[b]Side note[/b]: Here's to hoping you've at least had [i]some[/i] party-based fireteam action in year 1. You'll understand soon.
[b]Background[/b]: I play/have played Warlock nearly exclusively since D1. I just prefer the balanced style of play and given the nature of my lone wolf lifestyle, pace is important.
Now, let's get to it!
[u] SENTRY[/u]: Possibly your biggest challenge will be the locksmith medals. Your Go-to will ideally be a sword Option 1: Honors Edge w/surrounded, energy transfer, spec
Option 2: Temptation Hook w/ tireless blade, vorpal weapon
Try to masterwork if possible. 2 quick kills make orbs. You can equip the charged with light mod (which stacks) on orb pick up to increase overall damage.
[b]What happens when you don't have heavy[/b]? Shotgun/Fusion rifle combined with AoE/DoT grenades. Anything that will melt shields quickly. Supplement with slot 1 smg like escape velocity w/osmosis or slot 2 ikelos smg.
Lastly, know the maximum range of the Safe & Sound Buff. This is vital for primeval phase. While you're wailing on him with the swords mentioned above, if you are in the sweet spot near the bank you continue to restore health and shield every 3 secs approx. Restoration should essentially follow after each stomp attempt that weakens you. Just don't forget Phase 1 it takes the least damage so save your super and stick to the well with your fireteam.
[u]REAPER[/u]: Assuming the 1 HVT per game didn't discourage you off top, you've been in this one for the Long haul. Possibly the hardest achievement for the Seal altogether is securing the massacre medals.
What worked for me was abusing riskrunner, supplemented with Arc based subclass, pulse grenade, and arc soul. You're probably going to rely more on tactics and your smg vs your super as the powerful enemies spawn early and often and will sponge it right up. I secured exactly ONE medal in over 100 games with Stormtrance. Let that sink in. Stun yourself with grenade to trigger arc conductor and prioritize clusters of red or red and orange adds. Always assume you are surrounded so KEEP SPRAYING AND KEEP MOVING. Radar will not be visible while ADS. Also, always scoop primary ammo between spawns.
The "tactics" I mentioned before, literally come down to motes deposited. In order to maximize success you're going to want to reign in your urge to collect and deposit. This will afford you the largest possible window to jump the enemy spawns ahead of your teammates and create those 1vAll scenarios. When adds start dwindling, hang back near the center of the map. If you absolutely have to retrieve a mote up close, fine. Just don't carry more than your willing to lose. Reckless hoarding will set the team back on a death. One other thing, any time you are standing still is a good time to drop the rift. The arc soul timer freezes while you're still inside. Helpful to do any kind of chip damage to enemies before they approach your LOS. I always dropped one for the team just before transmat to start the match. On maps like Titan and Mars, spawns almost always are to right or left and have the easiest lines to traverse in a short time.
Lastly, as warlock I experimented with Verity's brow and grenade mod, while substituting a reaper synth. It seemed almost negligible in the grand scheme of things. HOWEVER, if your team is behind in the count, the phony HVT guys will count as powerful enemies and trigger the "Major Rewards" buff giving you bonus grenade/s. So keep an eye out.
[u] COLLECTOR[/u]: Straight forward, just tedious. I always found an extremely overzealous person on my fireteam during the games I tried to play the giant blockers. The counter: RAT KING and mobility mod, concussive dampener. You're welcome.
If you're playing mote count/51 motes, just make sure you always 1up the guy with 10 or 15. Literally. Sometimes hitting the brakes just before 20 can also be the difference maker on a well timed invasion or an unseen AI enemy in an awkward place.
[u] INVADER[/u]: This surprisingly ended up being my favorite haul apart from sentry. Believe it or not it was actually the resurgence of enemy clan based fireteams that helped me mold the following strategy. If you don't prioritize wins here, then you'll be in the best frame of mind. The victories will happen. Trust.
In the conventional invasion context you're usually trying to beat the clock and locate the optimal flank route to get a multikill. Well depending on how linearly you are playing this triumph to completion that will probably hinder your success. My method was to check as many boxes simultaneously as I could in as few reps possible. Smartly. [b]So I took a more defensive position.[/b] sounds crazy, but hear me out.
My strategy was get to the bank ASAP. It's helpful with blockers, but not necessarily a deal breaker. Because with the suit you lock the bank anyway. More on that later...
My predominant loadout was scout, sniper (Queenbreaker occasionally), deathbringer (an excellent counter to Jotunn/OTV/Truth I might add) and bottom tree dawnblade. Use either super or DB to fry the nearest guy with motes. Then drop your rift on the bank switch to sniper and take out any one who's in the lane. Daybreak is great bluff for lane blocking or zone herding bc nobody wants to get obliterated. Deathbringer will actually force you to make crafty plays about releasing the timing of the detonation. The projectiles all track and can move omnidirectionally pending enemy position. Because of the infinite angle of attack and the high initial velocity it's ideal in a pinch at any combat range and effective for multi kills.
For the CQC kills I leaned on fusion rifles heavily because it appeared to give me the best leverage at being able to engage enemies while attempting to close the gap. Though, I did switch to shotgun and scooped up the final 6 kills in 2 matches. So, who knows 😂.
I said something earlier about blockers. Yes, [b]when you're not invading[/b], you have to do SOMETHING to help the team out lol. So given that in my playthrough sentries were least popular I typically acted as part time sentry. This was my way of ensuring I could drop back to the bank to eliminate blockers, collect heavy, access the portal before some annoying teammate did or all of the above. Scout or Breakneck was helpful at doing good damage from distance. A teammate delivering final blows would still credit the kills. If I was closer to the action id collect at least enough motes for small blocker just to make sure we could hit thresholds for portal.
I said alot here. If you've stuck with me to this point, awesome. I hope there was some takeaways. Also if I'm full of shit, let me know too! 🤙🏾
If they're not at massacre medals, they can forget it at this point. Here's my tip for massacre medals as a solo: Top tree nightstalker, stompies, rat king, loaded question, hammerhead. Rat king will get your super up fast and keep you alive early until you get your super. Stompies make you faster. When you're super is up, be the first to a spawn. Tether one side and hammerhead the other. Make sure to take a shot at your tether after everything is snagged. Loaded question any stragglers for the medal. I tried every other subclass and loadout , this worked best by a mile. Good luck!