Bit of a weird one but when I try to play Destiny on my tablet using Remote Play the button mapping is now way off!
For example, L2 and R2 are no longer mapped to anything, and L1 now aims down sight and R1 fires... Others include no functionality with L3 or R3, R3 is now bound to circle for some reason and L3 is bottom D-Pad... Very odd!
I play Destiny all the time on remote play and this was never an issue before Beyond Light so I though I would flag it as a bug, hope someone at Bungie can see this :)
For clarity, I am using the original PS4, my remote play app is fully updated, I am on a strong internet connecting (100mbs down and 10mbs up), the button mapping is wrong for wired and Bluetooth Dual Shock 4 and for the touch screen controlls as well, and I am using a Galaxy Tab S7+ as my screen.
Also, I tried remote play in the CoD MW2 campaign after trying destiny and the button mapping worked there leading me to believe it's Destiny where the bug is, also tried multiple Dual Shock 4 controllers, but like I said the issue is also present on the touch controlls.
Also, I play using puppiter controlls, but if I change the controll preset in the Destiny settings or create a custom preset the game ignores the changes and keeps the buttons the same.
If I disconnect the remote play and immediately pick up my controller connected directly to the console it works fine.
Anyone else having an issue like this? It would be very helpful if other Playstation users could test this out even if they don't typically use remote play, thanks!
Bungie has effectively destroyed my playing enjoyment because of this PS Remote Play button mapping issue. Bungie has effectively destroyed my playing enjoyment of the Collector's Edition of Beyond Light on PS4. Because of their mistake, I've only been able to play on a tiny 6"x3" monitor. I paid $200 for this version & to have this pleasure literally destroyed because they mapped the PS Remote Play buttons incorrectly is incomprehensible. They browse these forums & after this most recent update ( to only load in & realize that they still have not fixed this, even though there are dozens of posts with hundreds of people with the same issue, is inexcusable. It's perhaps in the thousands, to be honest. Please Bungie address this or you might lose an incredibly loyal fan. Please. Thank you. My original post: