You're asleep. You must be. The world around you looks real, yet unreal. The passage in front of you has a door at the end, but behind you is a wall. The only way is forwards.
[spoiler]Hi! So, the plan is this: I make a post below, all participants reply there. It will be marked as the answer. As the rp progresses, I will make more posts which will be marked as the answer. The title will also change.
As always, please do not reply unless it's a bump not under the answer or you mean to participate as far as you can.[/spoiler]
[b]Part 1[/b] You enter a large, round room with doors lining it. The one behind you slams shut rather ominously. Others walk through their doors into the room. [spoiler]Here is the place where you talk with others before the main event. It is also your passport into the rp. You must join here. This will stew for one or two days, then comes part 2.[/spoiler]