Have had the same rewards on my Cryptolith Lure for the past 5-6 hunts. Data, mutations, Blast Battue, and helmet. No matter how many hunts it remains the same. Have tried deleting the lure and doing hunts with a fireteam and nothing has changed it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Now every time I sign out my lure disappears. I have to go back to the Tangled Shore to reacquire.
Having problems too, can't get the submachine gun at all anymore.
I just got three friction fires in a row. So after a dry spell it’s possible that you’ll have a run of what you’re looking for
I am pretty sure I figured out how it works. And it definitely helps understand why you can get all four prey mods to be the same so many times in a row. I seemed to have noticed that every time friction fire came up the other three mods were the same. same thing for the grenade launcher, same thing for the linear fusion rifle. So I think there are only three or four different combinations of prey mods that will come up each time. so instead of randomizing a whole bunch of different combinations it’s just a handful. That makes it more plausible that you get the exact same four. so many times in a row. One and four versus one in a multiple of four. They probably had to do this so that you would get four different mods every time. If it was 100% random for all four mods then in theory you could get the same mods in all four slots and they are probably trying to prevent that
I too am having a problem where the rewards for the cryptolith lure are not randomizing after each hunt. I go stretches where three or four times in a row it’s the same thing. Then maybe I get a random one and then it goes back to the same thing for several more. I did 2 sessions of 4 hunts in a row last night and then 4 today and it only changed 3 times total—really frustrating esp when the reward Im trying to get never comes up (friction fire)