Blaze woke up and......he knew it was today. Maybe it was the smell in the air.....or just a gut feeling he woke up with. Either way, he knew what he was doing today. He got dressed, and went into his nightstand. There it sat.....the ring. He quickly shoved it into his pocket, the went downstairs.
Ignoring the fear and anxiety twisting into the universes biggest knot in his stomach, his day was pretty nice. The house was relatively cold, which led to him and Fox watching a sitcom while curled up together under a blanket. He made a nice tomato and veggie soup they shared.
When the day started shifting into was time. He ended up spending a good 15 minutes pacing around the bathroom, psyching himself up. Constantly repeating a few things in his head. “She loves me.....she’ll say yes.....she will, won’t she?”
Once he felt sufficiently ready, he went back down to Fox, who was still curled up in her blanket. “Hey, I want to take you back to the planet in that one universe.”
“Hm?” She looks at him. “Really?.....but the couch is so soft!”
“Eh, but we gotta visit there again!”
“Alriiiiight.” She heads upstairs and gets changed.
Once they were ready, Blaze took Fox back to a universe that has a beautiful planet, where the earth was so rich with nutrients that wonderful plants grew all around. He landed and let Fox walk out first. She stepped into a clearing and gawked at the many plants that she hadn’t seen in a long time. Blaze slowly approached behind her and readied himself......this was it, hopefully.....he would like her answer.
He got onto one knee. “Foxglove.....” she turned around and gasped. “Will you marry me?”
In the few seconds before her response.....when the only look on her face was surprise.....hundreds of thoughts rushed through Blaze’s head, and not one of them was good. “There it goes......I probably proposed too early....this is what happens when a monster falls in love, he gets rejected.....I deserve this.....I don’t deserve lo-“
“. . . You......said.....”
“Yes!” Fox smiles. Blaze must have been too deep in thought to realize, but her eyes started to glisten after she saw him.
“I......I....” his voice breaks. He jumps up and hugs worked.....
Fox hugs him back. He starts to cry. “I would....s-say no.....
“Never.” Fox says. “I would not say no to a my count.” She kisses him.
The two go back home, after a few minutes of a quiet hug.
Edited by The Spoken: 12/4/2020 1:31:50 PM[quote][b][i][u]*and then an alien chestburster jumps out of her bosom!!!!*[/u][/i][/b][/quote] [i][b]REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[/b][/i]