I'm a side arm main. I like to push and close the gap when I play pvp. Couple of my clan mates think that side arms by themselves are over powered. So I would like to read everyone else's thought on this subject out of curiosity.
My favorite side arms (at this time) are:
Rat king
Travelers choosen
Last dance
Fools remedy
Seventh Seraph
*edit: due to the consistent disrespect toward my own play style with side arms. I am no longer with the previous clan. Still would like to know everyone's thought on side arms during this time though. Intresting thoughts and opinions.
Sidearms aren’t OP, as shotguns easily outclass them in very close range, but the trick with sidearms is that they can be used to bait and kill shotgun apes by taking them out just outside their OHK range.