The following is an in character speech as Grand Inquisitor of the Praxic Order: Aunor.
Sunbreakers, Gunslingers, and my fellow Praxic Warlocks we are gathered here today to root out the evils of the darkness once and for all.
With the advent of the pyramids: corruption had spread forth through our own ranks in the form of Stasis.
The wielding of these wicked powers or the possession of dark artifacts is an act of heresy against our gracious Light-Mother, but dont freet for I have foreseen visons from the Light that I should be your Speaker.
The traveller spoke to me!
She said to me: you are my emissary among men,
My words are my fire, those who do not heed them shall be burned by them.
Kneel before the Praix Might, repent our be swept away like chaff in a desert wind,
we are Gaurdians no more, for today we are all members of a unified Praxic Empire.
Our flames shall scour the system sweeping clean any filth that taints the worlds that rightfully belong to those of us blessed with the light.
At the conclusion of Aunor's speech half the people gathered shout hail the speaker and snap to attention giving her a salute.
The other half of the crowd becomes enraged, some passive at first till violence spreads through the city as people shout things like "lightbearer privilege", "defund the Inquisition", "burn the corrupted", "down with the vanguard", and "eliksni lives matter", "down with the drifter", and "burn the bugs."
A civil war ensues queue the song the tweeter and the monkey man by the travelling wilbury's.
Friendship with Aunor ended now Variks is my bff
What lore card was this