[b]”Well my boy, how did you enjoy the story?”[/b]
[b]”Good, now it is time for the three of us to rest. Me and the cat will stay right here, you will sleep on the chair next to us. I just hope my nephew comes home before tomorrow, I miss him.”[/b]
Mori Residence, Offtopic
The snow beat down upon the windows, the night was just fading. The smile of the dawn had yet to grace the world. The early hours of the morning would be better spent sleeping compared to this. Gerald had decided to go and make breakfast a whole 5 hours early. His nephew wasn’t home yet, and he probably wouldn’t be for a few hours. Paradox had arrived a day earlier, he was the closest thing to Silas that Gerald had in a while. Now, he sits at the table, his eyes were twitching from his lack of sleep.
[b]Gerald: “Good morning, I guess you didn’t sleep at all last night, huh?”[/b]
Paradox nods as Gerald passes him some coffee. Lythros wanders into the kitchen and takes a seat in the corner. Once breakfast concludes, Gerald heads into the living room, Paradox follows him. Lythros sits on a stool looking out the window.
5 hours later....
[b]Gerald: “Well, that’s about it for today, I wonder what that cat is up to?”[/b]
Lythros runs into the room, pounces on Gerald, and then runs to the door. She meows and scratches the door. Gerald hurries over to it and opens the door.
[i]”Hello again uncle.”[/i]
[b]Gerald: “Ah, Silas, your finally back, how was your business trip?”[/b]
[i]Silas: “Good, I see you brought someone new in?[/i]
[b]Gerald: “We’ll talk about it at dinner, ok?”[/b]
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