We all know that the Always On Time sparrow from Scourge is currently faster than the average 160. Personally, I did not care for it before Beyond Light and so I didn't attempt to get it. Now however, it has the unique perk AND a noticeably faster speed in-game. Will it be nerfed? Or will Bungie recognize its seemingly new speed as a bonus to owning this now unique exotic? I simply do not wish to spend my 240 Spoils of Conquest and Ascendant Shards for just another sparrow when I can buy another item which could greatly benefit my experience in-game... Any thoughts?
Thankyou - Vlazurah
I think it’s fine. Let it be it’s raid exotic perk on the thing. It doesn’t matter, as I think there are very little situations where you are at a disadvantage from the tiny boost in speed