Rework the sprint speed exotics and make it a MOD or something.
I usually dont complain on devs but this is just ridicilous.
Either hawkmoon isn't supposed to work with transversive, and since I guess its desgined for PVP.. And Bungie has the data its .. well almost all warlocsk I know who plays pvp uses transversive, some never takes them off..
So they release a HC which they know won't work wiht transversive is either really bad -blam!-ing design or they are so ignorant they didn't think about it..
Both are just as bad.
And I read 2-3 posts on reddit about it and the replies that trierd to argue "Oh I cant use mask of bakris and Arcstrider." is to me the worst -blam!-ing example I've ever seen to try to make a point.
I kinda meh the 120 meta even tho i grinded like a idiot this season, but I really miss the 150/140 and got a nie rangefinder.. But I have to change playstyle totally and probably loose or trade every shotgun duel since I can barely sprint/slide compared to other clases which also mostly run +sprint exotic..
I can't see how people can argue against they making a fix to this.. And other rp furrys who identify with their class and QQ this and that.. As if you have any integrity 99% hunters since shatter dive is broken.
If it was a exotic noone cared about I wouldn't care.. But since this is farmable for differnt rolls and stuff I don't think its fair that Warlocks are the only ones who can't use their +sprint exotic with it..
And the argument use another exotic is also just stupid.
If you don't want to loose more players, you better make at least it fair so the guns and exotics.
And if thjis is intended and the way you want to continue develop the game, by balancing by making exotics disrupt each other (exotics that are viable meta for pvp).
Laters.. might aswell remove PVP or at least not say you have PVP in the game, since it gets less updates than Diablo 2.
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