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Edited by Sapphiron16: 1/23/2021 7:07:20 PM

Sunsetting has caused my Clan to Uninstall Destiny 2

Granted, my clan is very small, but still. (update) Looking at the comments, looks like their are a number of clans MUCH larger then mine that have done the same. (ALSO UPDATE:) I just remembered ANOTHER reason why sunsetting is an issue: It even conflicts with the lore! Prometheus lens is supposed to be considered "New golden age" tech its one of the first Exotics that was newly created during the current age, not just reassembled or FOUND. So if we (or the cryptarcs) are able to CREATE new Exotics rivaling that of the golden age, as well as maintain the Golden age relics we find (AKA, continuously raise its light level) then WHY can't we do the same for Legendries, which are basically Standard issue weapons at this point? They are LESS complicated then weapons like Thorn or Graviton Lance in terms of internal mechanisms. As soon as Sunsetting was confirmed, all my friends/clanmates, WITHOUT HESITATION uninstalled the game. I stuck around to get a look at the implementation of Sunsetting and after experiencing it, I uninstalled the game as well. I would have been lenient on the whole "Content Vault" idea, but sunsetting causes more problems then it attempted to solve. On top of the content that got vaulted, many activities that are still in the game have also become obsolete. When I logged in to see if any changes were made to the Black Armory weapons to keep them relevant during the first season sunsetting became active, I saw that the BA guns could not be upgraded to the current light level cap. They might not be meta, but I still liked the Black Armory weapons. I got what was practically a godroll Machine gun FIRST BLUEPRINT! I used weapons that were not technically part of the top meta, but you know what? I still destroyed the competition in Crucible, and I had FUN because I was using my favorite weapons. HOWEVER, if new weapons were introduced, and they had new and unique perks to play with, then I would gladly CHOSE to switch to them if they fit my playstyle. I jump between a few loadouts based on the situation and I didn't worry about my previous gear being rendered obsolete like the early days of Destiny 1 DLC before infusion was added, but when you FORCE US to replace our legendaries by making gear from all activities before a certain date incapable of reaching the new light level then that creates a problem and makes it feel like our time and effort is not being respected. All because you CHOSE FOR US. A few friends got into the game when it became free to play (I joined before then), partially because there were tons of activities and locales to pick between and each rewarded different equipment, and ALL OF IT could be upgraded to be end-game viable. Everything was worth doing in order to keep things fresh while still being rewarded for our efforts. Now 4 planets/moons have been deleted, and at least half of the activities that remain seem to no longer be worth our time. You're FORCING US to partake in only select few activities if we want to actually make any sort of progress with our Light Level and such. With that, you might as well Vault out any content that can't yield gear that can be upgraded to the new level. All Sunsetting seems to have done is create MORE work for the dev team, while giving players less reason to even PLAY THE GAME. How hard would it have been to just add whatever new gear you had in the works to the game, and not do A THING to old gear and allow us to continue to infuse them as long as we choose? Whats also sad is when I saw the promotional material for the Dawning and the armor that came with it, I thought "Maybe I should reinstall and get that gear, looks cool!" but then the simple fact that sunsetting EXISTS and knowing I would likely leave the game alone for who-knows-how long after I would have acquired the set, I just couldn't work up the motivation to do it. Another really SAD sign is I deleted Destiny 2, to make room on my ps4, for ANTHEM! And you know what? Faults aside, I felt my time was much better spent in ANTHEM then Destiny 2 because at least what I earn was worth while! I even reinstalled Anthem on my PS5 to see how the game performed. Now I'm playing Godfall after getting it at a discount and I'm actually having fun with the game! (Quick Godfall Review: Fun loot and gameplay, skill system is pretty flexible and allows for unique playstyles if you really specialize in something you like. Story is basically NOTHING. sad, "My Name is Byf" had a lore series that was really fascinating, but just like Destiny, it feels detached and has nothing to do with your actual experience. 7/10) Bungie, just admit that Sunsetting was a failed experiment and get rid of it and bring value back into the game by letting all activities still in the game yield rewards that we can KEEP as long as we want like we used to before you CHOSE to implement this. You created a problem and solved NOTHING. Why is Warframe able to yield a vastly superior and more rewarding experience while only ever ADDING to the game, and never taking away? you used to be better then this Bungie, what happened?

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  • Crows week at the EDZ [i]Let's go Crow walks warily down the street With his hood pulled way down low Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet Hawkmoon ready to go Are you ready hey are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip To the sound of the beat yeah Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone and another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey crows gonna get you too Another one bites the dust How do you think he's going to get along Without you when you're gone They took him for everything that he had And kicked him out on his own Are ya'll happy are ya'll satisfied? How long can he stand the heat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip To the sound of the beat look out Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone and another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey crows gonna get you too Another one bites the dust Hey Oh take it - Bite the dust bite the dust Hey Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust ow Another one bites the dust he he Another one bites the dust haaaa Ooh shoot out There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man And bring him to the ground You can beat him You can cheat him You can treat him bad and leave him When he's down But crows ready yes he's ready for you He's standing on his own two feet Out of the doorway the bullets rip Repeating to the sound of the beat Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone and another one gone Another one bites the dust yeah Hey crows gonna get you too Another one bites the dust Shoot out [/i]

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