Well then since yall know your game isn't working properly but you released beyond light anyway, and you know you haven t properly treated and tested everything Proven by the fact that you DONT have a customer service line for errors and complaints for your product not only not performing as intended but causing many paying players to miss out on rewards or loot because your high celebrant mission is broken. I guess all in all the community very aware of how you "operate" is there any hope for us who have legit grinded out all your BS requirements for a triumph that is bugged to not drop anyway ?? Also will you be showing the community you actually care by providing us the the rewards from your broken and buggy missions after wasting our hard earned money and precious time on a game that WAS good but is steadily declining in relevance and enjoyably. Please fix your game :) been playing since vanilla d1 and with all this sunsetting and vaulting paid locations basically stealing my money years after being spent by removing what I played for . also removing weapons that have taken 30 plus raid completions to finally obtain being tossed in the "vault". Seriously do any of you at bunjie even play the game day in and day out?? Ive played every night for 4 hours for almost 6 years and I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE GAME SO BAD AND FULL OF SO MANY BUGS AND EMPTY PROMISES TO FIX :)
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