Season of the hunt in my opinion has to be one of the worst seasons released so far, next to season 10 but not far behind. Separate it from beyond light and look at the content we got with it, I don’t believe it is ok and I’d like to share my criticisms. Here are my takes on this season’s content:
- wrath born hunts miss the mark on what seasonal content should be. The activity is boring, requiring me to meander back and fourth one weapon at a time. If it dropped two or three copies per boss t would feel more rewarding. It’s difficulty is a complete joke as I easily 1 shot the boss without a second thought. While the high celebrant brings nothing new to the table in difficulty as we can’t even kill it quickly without breaking the game. There is a massive missed opportunity when it comes to doing something like a heroic version that offers more rewards for extra challenge.
- the lack of new season mods disappointed me after season 10 and 11 offering mods like lucent blade, radiant light and most of all the VERY strong warmind cell mods. It seems like more effort is put into recycling weapons just to sustain these mods rather than making new and innovative ones.
-hawkmoon was probably the only good part of the season for me as the mission is a fun challenge with the opportunity to solo for extra lore in game. Unfortunately, the weapon falls short to 120 hand cannons which, as of season 12, dominate the meta thanks to their crazy range at such an optimal ttk. Pve it is alright but primary exotics don’t have much of a place in endgame aside from unstoppable hand cannon which will probably go away.
-the weapons have cool and unique designs but they lack what people look for in power as what we have now greatly overshadow them. Sunsetting has removed so many great pinnacles but replaced them with adored which is a good pvp sniper but is very mediocre in pve compared to its competitors like successor and distant tumulus. The weapons overall don’t have unique mods to combine with so are just overshadowed by seventh seraph and ikelos weapons that dominate the pve meta thanks to the cell builds.
-the story is fine as the crow is an enjoyable character to listen to and interact with while the spider shows further dynamics in his character. Hopefully we see further development when it comes to the crow as he would be a great ally to our own guardian in the savathun storyline.
I understand this season launched with a major dlc but compared to season of undying, it doesn’t hold up. Hopefully season 13 will have some innovative ideas to offer to the table but we need to see something new and challenging while keeping something easy for the casual audience to enjoy. Challenge is important and bungie need to understand this especially when trying to balance a casual audience and more competitive one like me who feels like I’m not the target. What is even more important is the addition of MEANINGFUL content that we can grind for cool cosmetics and guns which won’t feel stale after 5 runs. I feel like menagerie successfully did this in all aspects but the loot where most of it was not new. The sundial in my opinion almost nails the grind as it offered good and powerful loot with an opportunity to face a more challenging version. It’s unique boss rotation also added to the replay ability. I would like to see more in this real return to the game.
Only thing I disliked was how we went from seasons having 4 exotics to 3 exotics and now only 2 exotics. Next year seasons will probably only have 1 exotic.
I think Bungie ran into three basic problems that is fueling all this discontent. 1. Bungie is paying the price for five years of telling people they could keep their stuff for ever in a loot game. Sunsetting is making many PvP players and "collectors" angry. Destiny players when they're angry about one part of the game....vent their frustration on the entire game. No sympathy for Bungie on this one. They fed this monster, now they have to deal with consequences of now having to starve it. 2. Bungie failed to do the OTHER things that they needed to do in support of Sunsetting and fixing the game's loot system. Namely increase their bandwidth so that they could create more loot, so that they could replace a larger percentage of what had to be sunset. But also they needed to overhaul the weapon system so that it could finally generate a wide enough variety of wepaons that did a wider range of make that increased quantity of loot meaningful. 3. Bungies need to tightly control every aspect of play tripped them up. So much so that there is very little room for players to play the way the want to play. To interact creatively with the game...and to have fun. Its like we're playing and Bungie is standing over our shoulders and playing traffic cop the whole time. "Do this. Do That. Go here. No...I said do it THIS way, not THAT way." This has always been a problem with Bungie----You're going to play our game, our way. But this season has been a particularly extreme example of this. THEY NEED to stop this. Or else this is what will kill this game. Not sunsetting. Games are an interactive form of entertainment. YOu can't be so controlling and so tightly script everything that there is no room for the player in the game. Instead they've been reduced to a bull on a cattle ranch being led around by a ring through its nose.
Harbinger aside, we went from Arrivals, a season with the best loot system, coolest Exotics, and amazing world changes/conclusion to...a mundane patrol activity 🤣
They had to develop it at the same time as Beyond Light, so they couldn’t do everything they could with it.
You forgot to mention that we freed Crow just for him to go Stockholm Syndrome and go back to living in Spider’s lair.
Edited by Demon_XXVII: 1/28/2021 4:17:16 AM[i]Season of the Hunt[/i] Slightly better than [i]Season of Worthy[/i] But Worse than [i]Season of Undying[/i] Worse than [i]Season of Drifter[/i] ALL of which are worse than Curse of Osiris
Good assessment. This season has driven me back to playing Borderlands 3 or Saints Row 3 Remastered on occasion because I got either bored or annoyed with D2. You are correct that the story of Crow and Spider has been interesting but it is so weighed down by everything else being lackluster. I have to face it: unless things get better one day when I play another game as a temporary break from D2 that 'temporary' might become permanent. I've had lots of fun with D2 for the most part, but everything comes to an end.
I would change the H to a C and then it explains itself......
Hi theo