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Edited by POSEIDON509: 2/4/2021 5:17:24 PM

Never Thought I’d Say This, But I Actually Miss Activision #YouHaveFailedUs

DISCLAIMER - Since several people have commented that don’t understand what context, or implication means; “US” is NOT all inclusive and refers to the player base who feel the same as I do. Additionally, my reference to Activision is from a STUDIO perspective by correlating the departure of Activision to the loss of the development resources (studios) they managed within their own IP... Returning and disheartened player here, almost at a loss of words at what I’ve experienced. I can NOT believe the current state of the game; Admittedly, I fell victim to Bungie’s rhetoric of believing they are going to be better for their player base without the chokehold from Activision... How is it that I come back after taking a hiatus (got tired of the constant recycle of bounties and no new ideas or content) and now have even LESS content to experience??? ENTIRE WORLDS ARE GONE... Did we not pay for that content?? It almost seems unethical... P.S. Don’t give me that “we can’t keep expanding” line of crap when other RPG’s and MMO’s have significantly more content on consoles. How is it that we STILL are doing the same brainless bounties that we’ve been doing since we started?? How is it that ALL our hours spent farming/grinding the rolls we wanted for certain [b]weapons (incl. Pinnacle) are now COMPLETELY negated by “Sunsetting”.[/b].. Remind me again why I have ANY incentive now to farm for anything? You are DISRESPECTING your players when you don’t incentivize them, and instead force them to switch from items they worked tirelessly for (whether from grinding or accomplishment) to some repurposed POC item that may, or may not fit their play style... Is it really that hard to [b]convert pinnacle weapons to exotics[/b]? At least at that point we could choose to use some of the pinnacle weapons we worked extremely hard for in different builds/load outs and show them off once in awhile; Subsequently, we would then be limited by the exotic requirement, thus negating the “overpowered pinnacle stack meta” you fear so greatly... Part of the reason players endure the blood, sweat, and tears obtaining difficult times like certain pinnacle weapons is for the sense of accomplishment. Logically, if you struggled with differentiating Pinnacle/Exotics and considered them OP, it just makes sense to convert them. We’re still limited, but it at least keeps them relevant for those of us that want to use them... How it is still that NOTHING cosmetic, or worthwhile, drops from any in-game activities? Are you HONESTLY telling me that you added little to no new content, don’t incentivize running Strikes, Lost Sectors, Gambit, or Crucible with a SINGLE interesting drop to go after, require your players to run the very minuscule OUTDATED content you do offer just to complete THE SAME BOUNTIES we’ve always done... For what? A higher power level? Is that really it Bungie? Where’s our incentive at??? If you think I’m exaggerating, take a stroll over to the collections tab and simply count the number of exotic ghosts, ships, sparrows, armor/weapon ornaments that drop from ANY IN GAME activities vs. what comes from Eververse... Go ahead, I’ll wait... I don’t think I’ve ever stepped away from such a huge title game for this length of time before, and came back MORE disappointed... Furthermore, with LESS content or things to do than when I started. It’s almost like I’m in an alternate reality and time is going backwards... #YouHaveFailedUs

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  • This is how I see it. Chris Barrett is good for destiny but he’s unfortunately working on matter. Luke smith is perfecting the drip content strat to keep destiny 2 profitable for the least amount of money. BL was awesome. Has its short comings but what expansion doesn’t? Unfortunately it’s all about matter now. 😞 this is our foreseeable future.

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  • I don't...Activision sucks

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    1 Reply
    • To people like you, Bungie says, "Go play the FREE version then, if you are so disappointed in the purchased DLC". It is what it is. Our entitled culture begets entitled players, which video game devs have to deal with. To that end, they offer "FREE GAME" plus "COSTLY COSMETICS". See FORTNITE and everything else that followed. Look's all everyone is doing, and you know what? People come, people play, and people pay. You know why? Not because Bungie is without faults, but because Bungie's faults are not of their own creation, but were created by the entitlement generation in society today.

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      22 Replies
      • Why? Because with your most advanced character being 1192, you haven't PLAYED enough of the game to GET to the parts that offer those things. If you're complaint were one that you had quickly run out of things to do or things to chase....then that would have been a **somewhat** legitimate argument. If you had kept current with the game, then Sunsetting would have been a more compelling argument. But you basically stopped playing . Showed up to basically play the campaign...and then took two months off again...and then show up complaining that there is nothing to do and nothing to chase and its the game's fault. No. You simply don't like the game any more. Which is fine. This kind of game isn't for everyone. It requires a level of grinding and a level of repetition that not everyone is going to enjoy. Doesn't mean its a bad game. Just means its a game that isn't suited to your tastes.

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        67 Replies
        • #bungiecantprogram

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        • Agree!! I am thowing in the towel with Destiny and Bungie! Had enough of their lies, fale promises, Luke Smith's bullshit, Everworse is always stocked with new items, but the game loot pool is trash, sunset and then put the same weapons back in for us to re-grind!! In my eyes Bungie is a garbage company with a garbage attitude and a trash game!

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        • Nah, activision is trash no matter how you look at it.

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        • The golden age of Destiny is long behind us, sadly.

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          2 Replies
          • Sunsetting is only a word to hide sad truth. Bungie, like brave commies just rob us of our hard earned gear. Period.

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            2 Replies
            • LOL you can literally get on Warcraft and play the very first expansion...BUNGIE doesn’t have an excuse. However the BUNGIE apologist in here will think of something.

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              5 Replies
              • They need to partner up again with Microsoft, the resources would be endless.

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                • Hmm. Seem to know an aweful lot of detail for walking away for a year.

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                  • Edited by MySilentGas: 2/2/2021 12:21:53 AM
                    I think we miss the other studios Activision used for destiny.... They cared , Bungie doesn't.... [spoiler]Sorry , they care about my wallet[/spoiler]

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                    2 Replies
                    • 100% Agree..... going on 7 years now, and what you see and have today this is the BEST Destiny Bungie can provide. Honestly, I wish they would just sell the game off to a company that can actually put out new content.

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                      24 Replies
                      • It’s funny. But I think Activision’s pressure to keep Destiny profitable drove Bungie to actually do better.

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                        15 Replies
                        • Ya i came back for a while and i genuinely wanted this game to get better and make me want to play again but it just doesn't. Bungie is making this game in a vacuum. We keep hearing 'We're Listening' but the changes aren't coming, the content is lacking, the lack of loot is just unacceptable and a slap in the face to the players that have been around since D1.

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                        • Anyone who knows anything about Bungie knows they have always needed a push from somewhere to actually get things done and out the door. And that's as regards old Bungie which was talented, passionate, innovative, and had those immense positives to fall back on. Current Bungo have all the same problems as old Bungie, but without any of the positives to rescue them.

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                          2 Replies
                          • I said that from day 1 and everyone attacked I am back after 3 years to say. I told you so. Bungie got lazy activision fired them. Period

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                            6 Replies
                            • I like how nothing he just said is objectively false, yet there’s still people that like sunsetting and defend it. Did you like your Highschool bully taking your lunch money of you every day??

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                              10 Replies
                              • you can really feel the missing studio. It’s how we got as many strikes and PvP maps as we did. Probably gambit maps too. That being said, on paper this looks like the beefiest seasons since Season of Opulence. On paper at least, this season looks impressive with content, considering much of it (new activity, new strike, etc) is not even locked behind the season pass. And sure two strikes are refreshes if D1 strikes, but that still means 3 strikes added into the rotation and playlist.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Couldn't agree more! Words of truth!

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                                • This might be the best post ever. I’d almost have been you, but I checked the forums before coming back, so I didn’t.

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                                • Edited by Gansito: 2/3/2021 2:42:14 PM
                                  Guess you forgot how monetized everything was when Activision was around. Hell it felt like EA at some points. The only thing I miss about Activision is the help of the other studios, thats it. Thats the only positive thing I can think of

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • 2
                                    It’s funny cause you probably missed it in your time off but supposedly the DCV was meant in order to avoid making a destiny 3, with the idea of Bungie realizing how bad was breaking continuity and erasing everyone’s progress while swapping from d1 to d2... so they broke continuity and erased everyone’s progress with vault and sunset. Isn’t that great /s There’s less pvp maps, less strikes, less gambit maps, less storyline overall less content than when you left.

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Less to do? Less fun stuff maybe, but there plenty to do if you haven’t played in a year. Haven’t tried the raid or any new content I see,

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • I'd have to agree I didn't play all year until I got the XSX and Beyond Light was added to gamepass. The game engine on the XSX with the large FOV and solid FPS looks and plays great. Too bad they haven't done anything in the year I was away. Same old grind, same bounties, less content, same trolling rewards where I get a pinnacle reward in my highest slot instead of any of the lower slots over and over, etc. I finally am powerful enough to get into banner and I see why everyone complains about it's current state. IMO the two best seasons were the Menagerie and Forge and Bungie didn't develop either of those. I'll probably get around to doing the raid my clan and some point. Had BL not been on Game Pass for free I would have deleted Destiny 2 when I bought my XSX.

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