DISCLAIMER - Since several people have commented that don’t understand what context, or implication means; “US” is NOT all inclusive and refers to the player base who feel the same as I do. Additionally, my reference to Activision is from a STUDIO perspective by correlating the departure of Activision to the loss of the development resources (studios) they managed within their own IP...
Returning and disheartened player here, almost at a loss of words at what I’ve experienced. I can NOT believe the current state of the game; Admittedly, I fell victim to Bungie’s rhetoric of believing they are going to be better for their player base without the chokehold from Activision...
How is it that I come back after taking a hiatus (got tired of the constant recycle of bounties and no new ideas or content) and now have even LESS content to experience??? ENTIRE WORLDS ARE GONE... Did we not pay for that content??
It almost seems unethical...
P.S. Don’t give me that “we can’t keep expanding” line of crap when other RPG’s and MMO’s have significantly more content on consoles.
How is it that we STILL are doing the same brainless bounties that we’ve been doing since we started??
How is it that ALL our hours spent farming/grinding the rolls we wanted for certain [b]weapons (incl. Pinnacle) are now COMPLETELY negated by “Sunsetting”.[/b].. Remind me again why I have ANY incentive now to farm for anything? You are DISRESPECTING your players when you don’t incentivize them, and instead force them to switch from items they worked tirelessly for (whether from grinding or accomplishment) to some repurposed POC item that may, or may not fit their play style...
Is it really that hard to [b]convert pinnacle weapons to exotics[/b]? At least at that point we could choose to use some of the pinnacle weapons we worked extremely hard for in different builds/load outs and show them off once in awhile; Subsequently, we would then be limited by the exotic requirement, thus negating the “overpowered pinnacle stack meta” you fear so greatly...
Part of the reason players endure the blood, sweat, and tears obtaining difficult times like certain pinnacle weapons is for the sense of accomplishment. Logically, if you struggled with differentiating Pinnacle/Exotics and considered them OP, it just makes sense to convert them. We’re still limited, but it at least keeps them relevant for those of us that want to use them...
How it is still that NOTHING cosmetic, or worthwhile, drops from any in-game activities? Are you HONESTLY telling me that you added little to no new content, don’t incentivize running Strikes, Lost Sectors, Gambit, or Crucible with a SINGLE interesting drop to go after, require your players to run the very minuscule OUTDATED content you do offer just to complete THE SAME BOUNTIES we’ve always done... For what? A higher power level? Is that really it Bungie? Where’s our incentive at???
If you think I’m exaggerating, take a stroll over to the collections tab and simply count the number of exotic ghosts, ships, sparrows, armor/weapon ornaments that drop from ANY IN GAME activities vs. what comes from Eververse... Go ahead, I’ll wait...
I don’t think I’ve ever stepped away from such a huge title game for this length of time before, and came back MORE disappointed... Furthermore, with LESS content or things to do than when I started. It’s almost like I’m in an alternate reality and time is going backwards...
Edited by MySilentGas: 2/2/2021 12:21:53 AMI think we miss the other studios Activision used for destiny.... They cared , Bungie doesn't.... [spoiler]Sorry , they care about my wallet[/spoiler]