Why ?
Because I've been invested in this game since day 1 and have experienced all the ups and downs that have started 6 1/2 yrs ago.
I'm not going into the past ups and downs as they are somewhat irrelevant now and some things only have an impact on the game right now.
We've seen a lot of changes the past yr or so and for the most part people have been resilient and adapted to the changes made, the bad and the good alike.
At this current time the day before chosen I'm sitting her playing with shaders and going through my vault to see what weapons are worth keeping and what aren't (even if they still have a season before sunsetting). While on sunsetting I like the idea of it, however, I don't agree with the sun setting of armour purely due to the fact that the material cost to masterwork it expensive. If sunsetting armour was to stay remove ascendant shards altogether. As for weapons I don't mind sunsetting but it reduces the pool right down and can make it difficult to run certain loadouts in end game activities to match certain modifiers. If the pool of weapons was to stay the same bring back the ability to change the element types of each weapon.
Microtrans - I'm not bothered as you can get lost stuff with dust which is easy enough to get if you don't mind a the grind.
Ornaments/mesomorph - Great idea. Some of the armour (and I don't mean to discredit the designers) of late has been a little average. Maybe Bungie can start offering the community to design the armour and then have that as the seasonal Everest ornament and any proceeds can go to a charity of the person who designed it choice or something along that line.
Guided games - I don't even know how effective this is. I never heard of anyone completing things through this feature and it seems redundant when you have clans and fireteam finder (which is still bugged btw).
Stasis - PvE I feel it's about right and doesn't break anything, looking forward to see how the rework of the light subs turn out. I like the idea of having just a single setting for each sub. I think the design of stasis did this well.
PvP - For the most part it needs a few tweaks. I think when the average player needs to play stasis to be competitive against other stasis then it becomes a problem.
Anyway, there's my 2 cents. I'm sure people may agree and disagree but hey you can't please everyone. I don't think there is anything else that I can think of IMO that seems to be an immediate issue/concern with majority of the player base.
Overall I do still enough most parts of the big D and hope that in future seasons the right changes are made.
Up for discussion, for the most part I do enjoy hearing what others think when it's constructive.
Love love : JayWilly
Faith is one thing, trust is another. Right now I don't completely trust Bungie's loot philosophy or their decisions. There's just so much I could say... You don't starve your PvP community, balance the weapon meta to near perfection, then release an over tuned toy like Stasis to compromise the state of Crucible. I can only hope that those balance changes come soon.