I loaded up Destiny yesterday, did the battlegrounds quest, a few strikes and went to get the new stasis aspect which I didn't attempt since I'm still 20 light levels below the heroic exo challenge but I figured that was more than fine since I could get into battlegrounds...
I was wrong, turns out I have to fork over cash to continue to do the battlegrounds which is - obviously - a very low act on Bungies part.
Bungie, don't you guys know that you're going to make more people leave by pulling stuff like that? You're not going to make more money, you will loose customers, less customers = less $.
I'm a long term Destiny player, did all the D1 raids [i](apart from the Rise Of Iron raid)[/i] got a lot of the hard to get exotics, did a lot of grinding but had a fun time doing it.
I ended up joining Bungie,net the year I ended up going offline for awhile (2016-2020) I missed Destiny during that time and looked [i]forward[/i] to getting Destiny 2 when I came back.
But I've only just got D2 last season and already I'm very turned off by the changes they've made from D1.
I could go on a massive rant and list the things they could change for the better but it's all been said before - at the end of the day they need to stop about being all about the $ and start to care more about their players + the content they're putting out there.
If they do start to care again the player base will increase - maybe you'll even get vets coming back.
[i]You guys need to do that soon, otherwise - you'll only have your hardcore fans (and the few new kids) left.[/i]
I don't know whether I'll bother with this season, or even the next one.
I'm thinking of getting D1 back on my ps4 so I can do the Kings Fall raid again [i](maybe Vault Of Glass + Crotas End too)[/i] and run around the place for nostalgia.
That's the point I'm at, doing a raid I've done [i]God knows how many times[/i] is more fun than continuing to play D2...
Who would've thought that a seasonal activity would be behind the season pass.. LOL.