For all Bungie has been talking about FOMO lately in regards to things like Felwinter's Lie, and wanting to make sure that players feel like they can take a week off now and then with how they designed seasonal challenges, if a player wants to collect Warmind Mods (specifically Wrath of Rasputin), they must log in [b]every day[/b]. If you take a day off, you might miss the magical Christmas-Like event of WoR being available in Banshee's inventory.
I don't want to overstate the importance of Wrath of Rasputin in the current PvE metagame... Luckily that would be impossible. WoR is brought up basically every time a new weapon is dropped. Last season I really hoped they'd give it to banshee because Hawkmoon played really well with WoR with the Chromatic Fire exotic, and now I'm having the same pining feeling because of Dead Man's Tale (Which is unquestionably my favorite gun inside Destiny 2, Bungie, good job!).
It's just very frustrating to see just [b]how many[/b] builds WoR is a part of, when the literal [b]only[/b] way I can get it, is if Bungie sees to take mercy on the poor Warmindless masses and gives it to banshee, god forbid you're not around on that [b]one day of the year[/b] to buy it.
To just add some hilarity onto this, I was watching a review of Ticuu's Divination and the content creator said "This has gotta be one of the coolest Exotics Bungie has ever made... Number 1! It synergizes with Warmind Cells"
Yeah... that was Number 1. WoR...
Bungie, do you know how crushing it is as a player to be locked out of a build option [b]this pervasive[/b]? I feel like half my builds are sub-optimal without this thing.
I'm a simple guy I just wanna blow stuff up. Please make my dream a reality and create some reasonable way to acquire old mods that isn't just waiting through an endless rotation. If you really care about FOMO you'll figure out a system for this. Hell, I'll pay an Ascendant Shard for it if I have to, just let me play in the big sandbox with all the cool kids please.
Yup. All of this.