Most the exotics that xur sells now are pretty pointless (unless you don’t have them), surely he should offer a quest or consumable that allows players to obtain more spoils of conquest as well as obtaining them from raids
For the record this isn’t to do with buying raid gear etc, it’s to give xur more of a purpose for players to go to him and possible get a quest that still involves completing challenges, that would have a chance to drop a few extra spoils of conquest.
Edited by Shoto Todoroki: 3/9/2021 4:08:28 AMthat would defeat the whole purpose. If you want past raid exotics, you should have to earn them by raiding as much as possible and getting the spoils of conquest, and then buying it. The rest of us who got it legitimately had to grind at a 6% RNG 3x/week for weeks on end to get it - shouldn't just be given away by tossing a few glimmer and legendary shards, or some stupid 6 step quest. That would be a major slap in the face for those of us who grinded and actually earned it. It was bad enough when bungie practically gave away the toast emote to people who never before even ran SoS, and on the first encounter no less. Can't expect things to just be spoon fed to you. The game is about the grind, not freebies. BTW, the exotics he sells that you already have, come with better stats now since Bungie buffed it, so if you have one masterworked but with anything less than 90 on the stat role, you can break it down and get a new one
I don't think it should be anything u can do in regular pve. Maybe if he had a quest that made it so u get like a extra 20(cause u get like 10 per chest I think never got any so idk) Whatever the amount u normally get from chest but doubled maybe 2.5. And it's completed by doing somethun in the raids, and not just so many kills cause people will just go to the beginning and shoot random stuff. Like maybe kill x amount of bosses in raids. So one full raid would complete it.
Not sure how stopping by xur is supposed to be any form of conquering.
Edited by Sweet Lew 88: 3/3/2021 10:13:07 PMJust ask for eververse to sell everything desirable for silver and just buy stuff and not play the game. Or move to Korea, it's already like that there from what I hear. Xur is a catch up mechanic for casuals, not a way for hardcore players to skip grinding.
I think Xur should sell exotic golf balls, just like how he sold Exotic shards back in D1.
Then Xur should sell trial tokens.
Dungeons should award spoils of conquest, dungeons are easier to access for a lot of players
Yes please I need that terrabah
Xurners, ewwww Real men earn their gear. 👍
Spoils are meant to be an endgame exclusion item imo. If you could buy stuff at Xur using them? Sure! But buying spoils, ehhh...
What do you mean it isnt to do with buying raid gear?!?! That’s all you do with spoils. Buy raid gear. Lol. It serves no other purpose.
Do the first part of the DSC raid and get the free chest 3 times a week.
Edited by Gozel0807: 3/3/2021 1:52:38 AMMeh we can always just glitch some out
Nope, he shouldn't. They should only be gained from raiding. But I agree he's pretty useless and needs something else to make him worthwhile like he was inD1!
No, just no. If the main reason is to get more people to see Xur each week this is NOT the way. Spoils of Conquest should be acquired from the raids and the raids only. If you want spoils then go play the raids period.
They can make Xur useful without giving away raid loot Have him sell upgrade modules,prisms and golfballs for legendary shards , then people would be lining up at xur every Friday at reset
Then xur should also sell trials tokens
At 50K a piece
Somebody needs to sell gunsmith materials. I want a true prophecy
Edited by juppstrunz911: 3/2/2021 7:33:33 AMAgree. Why not. As long as you can get 30 per week for just getting the first chest without raiding at all. There is no good Reason why not. You can have Trials Loot for jumping cliffs these days...
No. No he shouldn't. Play the damn content ffs. You can literally farm the first chest in Deep stone for 10 easy spoils solo. If you can't bother to even do that, there is no reason you even need spoils to get end game gear.
Just no. You can jump in the raid and grab 30 per week for no effort.
oh yeah... i think Xur should sell ornaments. All of them ! i haven't seen him on so long (sad face)
Farm raids then.
Many people grinded over 35 runs in the raids and still couldn't get the weapon to drop. To put it that much available to purchase and not play to get it isn't right. Earn the spoils. So many items were given to people as is. Raid weapons and the sparrow should be earned!