Bungie Quote: "warmind cells and fellwinter will be adjusted come season 14"
- a few weeks ago: warmind cells frop relatively consistent every 4 to 5 kills
- since a few weeks ago: Warmind cells frop like every 10-12 kills or not at all
WHICH IS EFFING STUPID AND I HOPE IT IS A BUG, because my entire build centers around healing cells dropping consistently, and this better is not related to your stupid "adjustment".
Cuz this is some Vex mythoclast level of "adjustment" if this is on purpose.
or, which i actually think it is, you went d2 year 1, and did the old "nah dont tell em" updating, and hope you get away with both lower drop rate and nerfing of potency next season.
Obviously, your community team and other devs refuse to even aknowlege or share some words about this, so Forums it is.
someone from bungie. please tell me im wrong, and its just a bug.
There pretty much always dropped from every 10~ enemies.