Most the exotics that xur sells now are pretty pointless (unless you don’t have them), surely he should offer a quest or consumable that allows players to obtain more spoils of conquest as well as obtaining them from raids
For the record this isn’t to do with buying raid gear etc, it’s to give xur more of a purpose for players to go to him and possible get a quest that still involves completing challenges, that would have a chance to drop a few extra spoils of conquest.
I don't think it should be anything u can do in regular pve. Maybe if he had a quest that made it so u get like a extra 20(cause u get like 10 per chest I think never got any so idk) Whatever the amount u normally get from chest but doubled maybe 2.5. And it's completed by doing somethun in the raids, and not just so many kills cause people will just go to the beginning and shoot random stuff. Like maybe kill x amount of bosses in raids. So one full raid would complete it.