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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by The Spoken: 3/18/2021 9:16:38 PM

In lieu of the upcoming guardian games I humbly make this request...

Nerf hunters, it has almost become a time honored tradition. Hunters getting the shaft is as Destiny as the traveler's cookies, if they are even able to make a showing on the board in this years race, I'd be disappointed. The Hunters must never win a guardian games and I'll tell you why. 1. they're insufferable with their dodgy jumpy crap, 2. Hunter farts stink up every crucible map 3. they are stupid 4. Hunters have been known to cause gout 5. Titans get to eat crayons and warlocks get to wear dresses. Hunters wear a silly edgelord cape. 6. Capes are dumb 7. They're vanguard was annoying. These reasons are why I make this humble request; don't give in to the tucknrollers' of destiny. #nerfhunters

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