It's gotten Ridiculous at this point, the means of expression in this game is as deep as the Marianas yet I only have 4 Choices to pick at a time out of the literal Hundreds of choices in my collection.
Spare me the short term fixes, there are none.
Destiny 2 needed an Emote Wheel the moment the Development team focused on improving Eververse.
Sincerely your D1 Vet.
Fallout 76 and Sea of Thieves nails the emote system, So does some other games that uses the “page” method... (Where pressing a button open pages that you can just click any icon and it will start the emote) allowing you to use all your emotes whenever and not having to “equip” them. 76 uses a wheel where you press a button then use RightStick (Xbox) to select it and press A to start it. Allows you to have 8 I think, have course they use categories, but Bungie can change that. SoT, does the same as 76 but allows you to have 5 wheels... These are just ideas/suggestions for it... I don’t get why they don’t let PC, but mainly Xbox Elite Controllers or Xbox Series X/S controllers with the 8 way D-Pad, to allow us to use double then what we have now... :)