after a little under 40 hours I have exhausted nearly all of the base game content.
Spoiler in the Spoiler
[spoiler]The side missions were just as fun as the story was if you enjoyed the story[/spoiler]
Now all that remains is [u]grinding[/u] expeditions, and one final expedition which has a skull on it.
Now we meet the endless horde mode. Each expedition is like the other missions with more enemies and loot, including more materials for upgrading your gear.
I have played two expeditions in co-op and they are fun but at a continuously diminishing return. higher World tiers are very easy if you are leveling up your gear to the max level regularly, and playing with others.
Outriders is fun, and it delivers a lot of things people ask for and are disappointed not to have in other games; it also builds on the feedback of those games to provide a genuine rpg-lite experience.
My only gripes are with the writing and the one sin that comes with these huge triple A titles too often. Too. Short. the Story is a watered down shell of what it could have been, all characters with the exception of the outrider are more or less superfluous in many ways, character development is rare but forgivably so, considering the IP is new. Lines of dialogue are very weirdly written and many of the dialogue choices feel like a grade schoolers idea of what "edgy" is. After that though the game has a pretty satisfying gameplay loop and the ingame lore is fascinating for the most part.
However the ending... oh lord. no spoilers here... I hated it.
Outriders wins on so many levels, so it is frustrating when its short-comings are one of the things that keep me invested. Story. I felt ripped off.
final score 6.5/10
Only because [i]people can fly[/i] can do better than this.
I do hope you'll read my next review on Super-Noahs-Ark 3D
It’s the next Destiny killer.