not to sound like a whiny little baby, but i literally did the 1330 12 times in a row only to get nothing but enhancement cores. i know that is one of the rewards, but the exotic drop is supposed to be common. anyone else find themselves getting nothing. or am i missing something?
The Lost Sectors are a scam. I did 6 hours worth of Master farming(all done in that vex lake fallen one on Europa), and I only got ONE Raiju’s Harness.
I noticed that they were decent for a while when they started and then recently they've been absolute garbage.
The legend version seems to drop them at a reasonable rate, but the odds of getting the exotic you want are another story. [spoiler]I did what feels like at somewhere between 150-200 LLS runs in Veles Labyrinth on my Hunter over 2 weeks trying to get a Raiden Flux. While I eventually got one, it wasn't even a good roll. Meanwhile, I got literally every other exotic chestpiece at least 3 times over, with Sixth Coyote, Gwinsin Vest, and Ophidia Spade having as many as 6-7 drops each.[/spoiler]
Haven't noticed anything but i also don't do them very often. I recently did one to get the new Warlock chest piece and it dropped instantly. So i must have gotten very lucky.
Ya last season drop rate was pretty desirable for me, this season took me 30 runs to get the titan chest and the role was an awful 57. Took me about the same for the warlock and hunter pieces aswell. I play everyday and haven’t seen another one since. 👎👎👎 Reminds me of the drop for EOT, just finished my 40 run and still nothing.
Nope. I ran Perdition a total of 8 times the other day and had 5 exotic drops (3x Claws and 2x Aeon)
Yes.. the drop rate is awful. Hopefully they raise it soon
Hi there. Make sure to kill all champions. If you’re doing that, it’s just a bad case of RNG unfortunately.