I gotta say, pumpkin pie is [i]really[/i] good, especially during the fall season.
Heh, I like how you say flavor not smell
What ever my wife ends up buying.
Definitely cyanide flavor.
idk a lot of candle flavors, but probably vanilla
The one with the waxy texture
Gwyneth Paltrow
I don’t really know. I haven’t eaten many of them before. I don’t normally prefer food that is on fire. Although, on occasion, I may have one if their is nothing else available.
Pine. [spoiler]nibbles crayon[/spoiler]
Almost any dessert-based candle at Bath'n Body Works. [i]Have you tried the cinnamon caramel swirl?[/i] [i]It tastes amazing.[/i]
Fresh cut grass from Yankee Candle
Imagining you biting candles.
[url=https://www.dudeiwantthat.com/household/miscellaneous/man-can-gun-powder-scented-candle.asp]Gunpowder, or maybe bacon.[/url]
Scented candles upset me If they smell like food, I feel betrayed I cannot have that food If they smell like “nature” no they don’t they smell like a bad soap And they worsen my headaches every time.
Red rum Red rum Red rum Red rum Red rum Red rum
T-1 Vanilla and Cinnamon.
Flavor? I don't eat them They're scents. For me, I have several, mostly related toward the holidays. Christmas cookie, about anything vanilla, coffee, pumpkin pie,....
What do you think we are marines?
They all feel too artificial in my mouth. Just go with crayons, they never let you down. But if you really want a candle, then it's natural honey wax candle, just don't swallow okay.
I have to agree
Pine[spoiler]licks finger [/spoiler]
Japanese cherry blossom
Fig and Papaya It doesn't get stuck in my throat like vanilla does
Anything with cinnamon. I don’t like the taste really but the SMELL!! A few years ago I picked up some cinnamon scented toilet paper that had been marked down dirt cheap after Christmas, and my bathroom (and my ass) smelt like heaven for all of January.
Oh man, there are so many. I don’t think I could decide. [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]
I have a tendency to favore any lavender scented stuff...