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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by LessCoolDeadPool: 5/10/2021 11:40:42 AM

Neverending hunt [original character story]

The sun hung low on the horizon as the last few rays of light shine through the hangar. It took Laurian a bit longer than normal to rearrange Kaize's face into position. "You know I [i]hate[/i] to say it, but maybe if you weren't screaming about hunters..." Laurian's sarcasm was glaring, even for a ghost. "Schrmmf merfenrrr" Kaize groaned unable to speak from extensive damages. A few more adjustments were made and the guardian stood up, that charge and the subsequent 5 other titan smashes had left his internal systems all but scrap. "At least one a day Laurian. Titans [b]hate[/b] me, no matter what I do, I dont even need to talk to them. They just hit me!" Laurian looked as if he was about to correct his guardian. "Or kick or shoot or blow me up!" He added before his ghost could. Kaize started up towards the hub of the tower, in the center he saw a large podium with 3 flags representing each class, hunters had won. Kaize had to run, but it was too late, he was too angry to turn back. He followed the faint traces of lightning towards the drifters little corner. The titans were conversing over bounties. It was over in almost an instant, kaize threw a trip mine grenade that stuck to the doorway, covering his back. He jumped as high as the ceiling would allow and screamed two words. "Wei! Duck!" In a flash solar energy filled the room. He drew light from thin air as blinding knives conjured into being. The drifter vaulted over the railing behind him and took cover behind a small ledge. Solar daggers careen towards 4 of the titans vaporizing them on contact. A sentinel, raised his shield and backed away from Kaize. His voidlight could protect his body, but not his emotions, he was clearly scared. Scared enough to forget the trip mine the hunter placed. The original titan, the first one that hit him charged with arc light pulsating with every step, sending shockwave after shockwave reverberating through the ground. As he encroached Kaizes kill box Kaize made one fluid motion and dropped to his knees as the sentinel flies right over the hunters head into his arc charged friend. The static fries him almost instantly and titans shield dissipates, the striker was unconscious but that wasn't enough for Kaize. He slugged two hand cannon rounds into each head. And told each ghost to rez after he left along with some other words.. "If your titans ever decide to attack unarmed guardians in the tower I will talk to the vanguard and have you all brought before the consensus. This was payback, the next time wont be so cordial." As he was getting ready to leave, his old friend shouted from behind a railing. "Nice shooting brother, put those skills to use in gambit sometime?" "Maybe."

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