I don't know what's the most likely, but I don't know much, so tell me what you think
[i]It will get swallowed by a Giant Space Whale.[/i]
It'll be swallowed by the expanding sun.
Dominus Ghaulrotathunryx lol
Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice...
I think you need to be more specific in what it means for the world to end. A flood, for instance, wouldn’t wipe out all life, and it wouldn’t mean the end of the planet. If you mean human life? Probably famine and disease after we’ve decimated earth’s biodiversity.
I'll probably have to say solar eruption since that's guaranteed to happen at some point, its more of a question if us humans will mess up anything first.
Edited by Swat The Bot: 5/14/2021 6:18:07 PMCOVID-19 because certain people in communities are too daft to follow advice from medical professionals.
Personal opinion? Solar eruption. Theoretically Earth should survive till the sun finally goes, which is what I think is gonna be the big red button.
This is the only acceptable one.
But I do know what will happen [spoiler]licks finger [/spoiler]
Edited by Fred-7 (Supreme): 5/14/2021 9:22:47 PMNone of the above. [spoiler]licks finger [/spoiler]
Either; A. Someone will build an army of giant robotic cats that will go rogue, and destroy humanity. B. A weird giant lady will fall from the sky, and afflict everyone with a weird magic disease, and our crazy plan to stop it will fail. C. Some idiot will break Kala’s seal, and then she’ll just hit the reset button. D. Some dude will take a rocket ship from the moon to earth, unknowingly bringing along ome of the top secret human-eating aliens the government was experimenting on on the moon with him.
https://cdn.wallpapersafari.com/18/67/STWBN3.jpg only a matter of time
Most likely an asteroid. In terms of memery, having a crap ton of streaming services but only 4 ongoing shows
Edited by klasik_klutz: 5/14/2021 4:11:58 PMpanthers, there will be panthers raining from the sky, were -blam!-ed [spoiler]I have no gender only RAGE[/spoiler]
You missed communism
The planet or humanity?
Edited by CommanderGT60: 5/14/2021 4:27:19 PM[spoiler]nibbles crayon[/spoiler]
Also missed Nuclear War...