Before stasis haters and crayon eaters start acting all butthurt: I’m glad burning steps was added. A anti stasis exotic is great but it’s also busted.
It’s too strong and has too many benefits for simply wearing them. Most exotics with two+ buffs and ease of use usually have that limiter of being tied to a subclass. The sheer amount of crap the exotic can do should have just been tied to the solar element or have the exotic tied to the hammer titan only. Just limiting it to hammer titans would still keep it strong since it’s a strong subclass
The list of abilities alone are worth limiting it to one subclass:
1. Breaking out of frozen causes no damage
2. Breaking out of frozen causes a solar explosion
3.breaking out of frozen is immediate
4. Chill only applies half stacks
5. Escalating damage boost on solar final blows (can’t remember if it’s for all weapons or just solar)
6. Damage boost on being chilled (not sure if it’s a bug)
This shit is the exact scenario if bakris wasn’t tied to stasis and had both damage boosts active during pvp. Not to mention this doesn’t fix stasis being overused (it’s not op, light subclasses are just underpowered), since these boots can be used with a stasis class. Also that damage boost is just begging for more igneous hammers, felwinters, and (if anyone was feeling ballsy) osmosis would turn godly. All that crap (except for #5) rewards bad players for being bad and introduces the oem problem all over again.
Overall burning steps need to have the damage boost on being chilled removed and needs to be tied to the solar subclass especially when there are already more stasis nerfs coming. I (and many others) know this exotic is going to wreck pvp than oem.
Edit: I’m enjoying watching the the upvote counter go up down. Glad to know not everyone is a little kid who got stomped in crucible and can see that bungo added another broken exotic to titans lol
THANK YOU! As a hunter I can tell you I’d be fine with this