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5/24/2021 12:34:30 PM

The toxicity of lfg VoG teams

It’s bad enough the changes they made with the oracles but the toxicity and elitism of people in these lfg groups is unbelievable. My clan was short 2 guys so we ended up using lfg and found some people to fill the spots. These 2 guys said they had an Atheon checkpoint and ask if we could start there and they’d help us with the beginning parts after so we agreed. Now this was our very first time in the raid learning everything and these guys had already played and made it to Atheon. So we start and their we a few mistakes but after a while we were getting the hang of stuff. All of a sudden these guys say um I don’t think we will get this done the damage isn’t enough. Now these guys were putting out similar to less damage than everyone else and were making mistakes as well. They just continued to be negative and no longer wanted to help anymore. It’s just ridiculous how people just don’t have the patience anymore to figure out where the mistakes lie, correct it and keep pushing. They rather be negative, create tension and anxiety. People want to beat the raid just as badly as these elitist pricks. Thus why raid should’ve stayed the same as it was in D1 and challenge mode should’ve had the changes.

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  • I put kwtd or kick in my posts to scare the stragglers from joining. The kick part has been used a lot lately.

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  • Lol, you guys could never have played CoD.

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    • That's about as toxic as people who won't raid with you because you aren't max light. I'm 1285 and no one will take me into their fire team. I've ran raids with the same issue and been fine where as the maxed out guys would die or screw over the whole team. High level does not equal skill or understanding of the mechanics and that needs to change because that was the same toxic crap that made me take a long break from D1 and D2.

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      • My very first time doing King's Fall, we had 2 LFG guys. They were told prior to joining that it was a sherpa run, and there were people who hadn't done the raid before. They were made aware that there was someone with less than 400 Light in the group. They said it was fine, joined in, agreed to play through the run. We get to Warpriest, my clan leader is explaining the encounter. Partway through the beginning of his explanation, one of the LFG guys speaks up over him and says "Wait, if someone hasn't done the raid before, why don't they just look up a guide and watch that first?". If they'd said it curiously, like they just genuinely didn't understand, it'd be one thing. But there was snark and arrogance DRIPPING off every word. He wasn't asking because he didn't understand. He was asking because it'd be faster to watch a guide and he couldn't fathom the idea that somebody would want to experience the raid firsthand instead of watching it play out on youtube. Clan leader calls him out on it, gets back to explaining, we move on. I get the buff and have been so confused up to this point that I panic, and my clan leader told me where to stand, but then I can't find any enemies. At all. So I can't keep the buff going. We wiped because I couldn't find any enemies, and instead of getting a "it's all good" or "it's fine, we'll run it back" from everyone, the LFG guys got irritated, asked why I wasn't killing anything, and asked me (rudely and rhetorically) if I'd ever gotten buff before. The entire raid, any time I'd slip up, they had something to say about it, knowing this was a sherpa run and with me telling them multiple times it was my first run. I ended up backing out at warpriest, because around the third or fourth time we wiped, I was so pissed off at the raid and at those two that I just didn't want to bother with it anymore. LFG literally ruined my very first raid experience, and the result was that I wasn't even willing to go into CROTA until months later, because I just figured EVERY raid was going to go like that.

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        • The current Oracle setup should be a triumph or "Challenge Mode" requirement. It really shouldn't be the norm. There are thousands of players who've never done vog. Just trying to teach them mechanics is tough enuff without adding these bullsh!t requirements that are only there to appease the streamers and elitists. All it does is remove the fun from doing this raid. But, hey that's kinda been bungie's M.O. throughout the life of D2. We all have jobs in the real world. Destiny shouldn't be one of them.

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        • There are good groups out there. I’ve come across plenty

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          • People are free to set the requirements they want for their raid team, whether that’s 0 clears or 100+ clears, KWTD or new raiders welcome, etc etc. If you don’t like or don’t meet the requirements for one LFG team, feel free to move on to the next post or create your own team with your own requirements.

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          • I got kicked for asking the group leader what roll they wanted on the scout rifle during the conflux encounter. I got kicked for dying [i]once[/i] during a normal raid, not a flawless attempt. I got kicked for eating dinner. I swear, if anyone excepting the LFG maker says or does anything that doesn't relate to their current role in the game they go nuts.

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            • Sounds the same as always. No new news here.

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            • Edited by Ghostfire239: 5/26/2021 10:10:28 AM
              I agree, I came across quite a few toxic people/teams. Most of the time the act like they got a stick up their ass. Thankfully, i also came across some of the most chill, and fun players i have ran raids with.

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            • Edited by Toilet God: 5/26/2021 9:46:47 AM
              These toxic people get so pressed when you wipe and don't complete an encounter in one try like seriously chill it's okay not a big deal people mess up you'll probably it get eventually.

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            • Oh, these doucheweasels were already posting, "must have clears" on Sunday. Like WTAF?? I saw that and was thinking, "shaddup, your trifling ass might have 2 or 3" 🤦

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            • Edited by PS1 Hagrid: 5/26/2021 5:29:01 AM
              I had the rare encounter of finding 2 people that were actually friendly and very patient during Gorgons. I really don't mess with lfg hence the reason why I never done a single raid up until this one, because people just leave after failing once thinking they can do everything flawlessly. I understand the raids are way easier in d2 but sometimes the game itself says otherwise, whether it be the game lagging or....well just that. I'm really just hoping I can find friendly people out in the wild, maybe in strikes or crucible. I have a group of 4 and we're all close friends. I mainly just try to find people I'm comfortable with and go on with that. Other than all that I will admit the lfg system is just plain awful, nothing like in Destiny 1 where people were you know actually friendly and were actually willing to help. Now it's just "oh you need this" or "oh even though the raid came out 2 days ago you gotta have 20+ clears" and all that jazz. I say just stick to it and you might find a diamond in the rough. What's worse is in my opinion most of the people who are in lfg for raids (not just VoG) and are acting all high and mighty are people who started on d2 and not d1. Not saying that means anything since they changed VoG but you hopefully get my point. They don't understand what it was like back then, *sigh* I'll never forget my first wotm and kings fall run as well as my first VoG run; and I mean the old VoG not the age of triumph one

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            • Not gonna lie, ive met nothing but cool people on lfg lately. Me and 2 buddies even took sherpad 3 guys through vog last night, righ up to atheon, had to call it cos it got late, but the guys were really chill and decent players. Ive also done a couple runs the other night where i joined other peoples teams, and they were some chill guys on lfg too. Lfg experience is subjective. To generalise it as toxic does the good folk on there a huge disservice. Because they are there.

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            • Edited by Joulevette12: 5/26/2021 4:27:48 AM
              This is the same reason I have not completed a raid yet even though I been playing since beta I always get teams like that to the point I stop raiding even though I want to Get kicked due too low DPS or to get kicked so they friend join or trolled by kicking you before the chest rewards it's a pain really what makes it worst always seeing raid teams KWTD come on really

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            • Edited by wilco490: 5/25/2021 5:18:47 PM
              Picked 2 from lfg today, one left way too quick, we completed it soon after. The other recieved some nice loot and has been added as friend to raid with. I aggree, but theres a bit of luck involved

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              • Are people like actually this mean or something? Maybe I’ve been lucky but every team I’ve found for both raids and trials through LFG have been nice people! If this truly happens so often I feel bad for those who don’t get to have a fun raid experience at all due to people like that

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                • Wow it's almost as if they aren't required to help or be nice to you. Cry about it bro. Sure it sucks but move on. Gotta have thick skin for people like that else your gonna have a shitty time.

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                  • Well body sorry but this is your fault. You should've say nah we'll get there and find someone with the same check point and experience as you. Dont be butt hurt because some one said you dont have enough damage. It took me about 5 to 7 groups to get my first run done. And all of them were full LFG. Some break apart faster than others. Next time make clear ia your first run.

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                    • [quote]It’s bad enough the changes they made with the oracles but the toxicity and elitism of people in these lfg groups is unbelievable. My clan was short 2 guys so we ended up using lfg and found some people to fill the spots. These 2 guys said they had an Atheon checkpoint and ask if we could start there and they’d help us with the beginning parts after so we agreed. Now this was our very first time in the raid learning everything and these guys had already played and made it to Atheon. So we start and their we a few mistakes but after a while we were getting the hang of stuff. All of a sudden these guys say um I don’t think we will get this done the damage isn’t enough. Now these guys were putting out similar to less damage than everyone else and were making mistakes as well. They just continued to be negative and no longer wanted to help anymore. It’s just ridiculous how people just don’t have the patience anymore to figure out where the mistakes lie, correct it and keep pushing. They rather be negative, create tension and anxiety. People want to beat the raid just as badly as these elitist pricks. Thus why raid should’ve stayed the same as it was in D1 and challenge mode should’ve had the changes.[/quote] I would say there's a couple key things to learn from this. First and foremost, that's just how humans are in general. LFG is always going to have bad apples, just like real life. There are plenty of people that are fine though. Secondly, if someone tells you they have a checkpoint for an encounter that's further than you've ever gotten before, NEVER, EVER skip forward like that. For SOOOOO many reasons. I can guarantee a couple things that will happen. 75% of people that ask you to skip forward are NEVER going back to help you regardless of what they say. You will have a much less complete/fun experience doing things out of order for the first time. But most importantly.. raids are DESIGNED to be played from start to finish without skipping, as early encounters give you muscle memory and teach you small things about later encounters. The final boss of a raid usually culminates in multiple things you've learned from other encounters.

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                    • Edited by Maki: 5/25/2021 9:43:03 PM
                      Not even joking, it depends on who you find. Just last night I joined a fireteam of new players starting out VoG but we all knew the basic mechanics thanks to D1. One of my fireteam friends joined in and boy was he a blessing. He made me, a new player that haven't used the relic of years, use it. Now I made mistakes a long the way and it took us around 6 to 7 runs since each of us were messing up, but I always blamed myself with things like, "damn it, I should've gotten to that teleport faster", but the dude was so chill and we managed to complete it. Then comes Atheon and holy was the fight a pain in the butt. I was 1308 at the time and it was such hell dealing with mob clears but the dude was patient with us. We messed up on oracles a lot, even with the oracle pattern he drew for us but we managed to get the hang of it after 6 to 8 runs. The damage was lacking but it was understandable as me and another individual was low light level without good gear for damage, heck I was using a machine gun just for oracles and the boss. I thought I should just leave and let someone else fill for me, but the man continued to tell us, "we got it this run guys, you guys are doing fine". We finally finished the run and man was it a blast. That one guy was probably the most patient and helpful individual I met till date.

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                    • This is kinda why im nervous in lfgs i will not talk to people cause im anxious about things like this, i will team up when needs be no problem, hopefully i will slowly stop being anxious and build up the confidence over time but i am worried that confidence will just crumble underneath me and my worries and overthinking things come true.

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                    • "Well, you know what they say on here, get good noob, if you knew how to game then this wouldn't happen" That is how people think of these things, I called out another thread of people scoffing the idea that the Contest was dishonest and not a genuine test of guardian abilities and planning- that the idea of increasing enemies, lowering light and allowing for unique targeting and AI behavior made even gettin inside the gate without people losing their crap impossible- on average I had teams last 30 mins before people bailed out of rage Yet the response was, you weren't playing it right or "get good" And if you point out the shear lunacy of somehow expecting everyone has access to the various grind based loot (weapons and armor) that are used to complete these things Like to be frank, the one raid I've done/helped the most is Scourge- help people clear it all the time, only had the game consider one playthrough legit and I have never been able to get anarchy or the other crap Now that things cost "spoils of light"? I am likely to never attempt a raid again unless a fireteam choose to ask me for help You use the Bnet and people are either impatient and quit the second they aren't pleased Or you spend 50 hours grinding for a paycheck that is then used to "buy" raid armor that in no way would be obtained in these manners- given the lore and reality of life would never afford the chance for you to replay reality over and over to get an armor set- it was an already stupid and modified system from the loot rewards of d1 and seems to only have been done to force people to replay the raids over and over again Sure, giving us a full set of armor on our first play-through may be much- and it is this logic that allows people to enjoy the grind and repeatability but to work for a paycheck to later purchase rare and unique armor forged by (in lore) the environment? That is utter stupidity and it's obvious Bungie did it to force us to play more raids Yet the system to create and join them is still broken, and they obviously aren't going to care about screwing players with lives over for those whom make it their life's mission to max out their challenges and rolls- those people have the least amount of utility in this community and most often only abuse and use other players to get ahead- the crap ios toxic and I'm glad people are calling this crap out I've been here since Halo 1 and 2, I love the community- but the gaming world has changed and it no longer favors the use of games for just entertainment and community- now its a competitive surrogate for NFL and NBA wannabees you could never put the same amount of efforts to actually living life Which is why they never have solutions to make the PVP and PVE gameplay more inclusive to those just trying to enjoy the worldscaping- only leave, get good or shut up and find a better fireteam Like how about this? You idiots leave destiny and try this crap in COD or FN- at least then toxicity and humping would be acceptable there... Sigh... I hate that I feel this angry about it all...but worst is that others say the same things and yet nothing changes in the favor of the community- we aren't casuals, and we aren't power-junkies- we are gamers who like zoning out into another world for a few hours- not join it and sell our souls just to be able to play Control We shouldn't have to reenact West Side Story, forming gangs and cults of players, just to have a chance playing against others...

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                      • You’re a dumbass for starting a first time raid at the end.

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                      • Eating seeds is a pastime activity…………….

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                        3 Replies
                        • This is exactly why I hate and don't use Lfgs.

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