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originally posted in: The toxicity of lfg VoG teams
Edited by TJ_Dot: 5/24/2021 9:58:18 PM
While the tone may be negative, I cannot fault you for acknowledging a consistent issue when it comes to LFG. This type of issue quite literally broke my interest in raiding because I just couldn't deal with it anymore. Crown Of Sorrow is fittingly the last I've done. Garden at the time just seemed like it would be hell. Like any rational being, I'm forgiving of failure so long it is learned form, it becomes problematic once it's clear mistakes are not being fully realized and continued effort feels like a waste of time. Still, I'd stay until others bailed out, but I can't help but facepalm a complete disregard for mechanics after having them explained or an incapacity for survival that is seemingly beyond reasonable. Say it's the final room of CoS, if my partner and I can effectively spawn kill ads, I don't see how others can consistently struggle to survive so much when it takes so little. Just about everyone could be dominated almost instantly, but somehow I'd still find myself turning around to both people dead or one guy with no revive available, a wipe either way. By the game's design, you cannot do anything about this. It expects the struggling to carry their weight, so it's no surprise people start doing the same. What sucks is the thin line you're walking if you dare to talk about this because now you're suddenly the asshole that can't respect the circumstances of others or their lesser skills. It's a legitimate argument to be irritated by someone basically not being cognisant when D2 raids demand this more than ever and they practically refuse to learn from anything. It's arguably rude to expect others to carry your weight while you are simultaneously being a detriment to success for whatever reason. It's one thing if it's out of your control, but stacking on preventable wipes is bound to drive people away as the ultimate reality of LFG is that people are there to get it done not waste 3 times the amount of time they would just for someone(s) to get it together, and still probably not get what they were after. It sucks, but if people were actively seeking to tolerate this, they'd be shepherding.

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  • Yeah some people just aren't capable of learning. You can spend 5 hours on 1 encounter and they make the same mistakes over and over. It's frustrating and maybe they need to go back to other parts of the game and work their way up to the raid.

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  • I have learning difficulties and find it hard to follow directions at times so people should learn to be patient and explain it clearly without sounding like an army drill inspector breathing down necks at least one crota raid team was patient with me after I got my gear from it then thanking them and I left due to being busy doing something else.

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  • The main issue is though most people who act like this guy you replied to isnt the fact that people dont learn. Because in my experience people do learn. Just takes some longer tham others. The issue is you have no right to complain if youre dying just as much if not more than the people youre calling bad.

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  • I completely agree hypocrites are 100% intolerable and that is one of my rage points

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  • Same. I remember back during Spire Prestiege. We were on final encounter and we got a guy in there who had 150 clears i think. He was on plate 3. I was left floater. I was scouting. Destroying. And QB for dps by myself. I was doing all that solo. And i didnt have a single clear yet. This guy died on plate 3 nonstop. Was always blaming everybody else. After 3 wipes caused by him and all his bull i booted him. People who act like everything in this game is piss easy are usually the first people to rage quit. People who act like if you cant do a raid without a single wipe youre trash usually cant do a raid without wiping. The raid community for the most part in D2 holds other people to standards they cant meet themselves. I would much rather spend 3 hours teaching someone whom needs help than 45 minutes with a toxic elitist who puts everyone down.

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  • Nail on the head right there, 100%.

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  • That and a lot of the time it’s just a slight miscommunication in the mechanics that are easily fixed. Like for Atheon, are the teleported team and outside team looking at the oracle spawn locations the same way, so that way left is left and right is right. Sometimes it’s the little things that could easily be fixed, but people get irate immediately instead of taking a sec to make sure all are on the same page.

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  • Not mention how many people change up strats and over complicate shit just to make it look like they made their own strat. Like...DSC is a shining example of that. Idk how many different strats ive seen for every single encounter and they only make things more complicated. Like use the strats the youtubers use.... They are simple and straight to the point.

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  • A mnemonic well used in the military is very applicable when raiding. K.I.S.S Keep It Simple Stupid If it works don't fix it and everyone stays happy. :)

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  • Exactly. Like i cant count how many times ive done 3rd encounter for DSC and people are like "lets do chaos strat." Person inevitably dies and this line comes out of their mouth... "How are you guys this stupid this encounter is EZ" Like bro... You died.... You caused the wipe. You were standing directly next to a bomb that needed to be picked up. But you just stood there. And we wiped because of it. Anytime someone suggests chaos strat. I immediately assume they have no clue what theyre doing and just want to blame everyone else if a wipe happens.

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  • Yep. Exactly

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