Joined a new pc clan to try and do raids, and this is exactly what im afraid of.. messing up in all the rais i dont know
never do it through guided games because it is way worse doing it that method.
Edited by Maladir: 5/25/2021 1:38:18 PMI joined a leviathan guided game once as a seeker. My only guided game as a seeker ever. My clan had no raiders at that point. Joined a clan stack of 4. They had no clue how to do it, they had just used guided games to find players as they couldn't be bothered to lfg.
I was entertaining the thought of creating a LFG post with the explicit pre-requisite that every fireteam member, just like me, has absolutely no experience with the raid! I'm sure we would be running without a clue but I honestly wouldn't even care! At least it would be good for getting rid of some bounties at the same time.