You wake up in a lab with a needle of green fluid going into your arm. Everything is blurry for a few minutes. When your vision comes to, you see that the room is in disarray and a loud blaring siren is going off and the room and hallway is painted in a faint red glow from all the warning signs on the computers and exit signs. There is also a dead scientist in the hallway. What happened here? Is there anyone else alive? Only you can find out....
[i]The Wolfkeeper Doomslayer rips the needle out of his arm.[/i]
*Xyun tries to pluck the needle out despite the fact that she doesn’t have arms.* | [spoiler]She’s a snake, just letting you know[/spoiler]
*blows everything up* Mwahahahahaha! On a more serious and factual note... Jack slides the needle out of his arm. "Must've killed the guy asleep and drugged. Heh heh."