Hey Guys,
Looking for a super active clan to play with and be friends with.
30 y/o, Male, Playing on PC and want some new friends to game with and have a salty ass time getting content done with.
If you are a group of bears on PC, please let me join you!
I'm from New Zealand, and my time zone is 12+GMT
Groups I'm after ideally has a fair amount of players, doesn't shy away from Discord or organizing teams up for raids and all other content.
Please be open to having a Bi/Gay guy joining your ranks and you'll have a I guess.... weird guy on your team that loves games!
Im up to basically 1300 Light and have war, hunt, and titan in my roster.
I'm yet to do VOG and DC, but I'm a quick learner and pretty chill to game with, please feel free to reach out please! Even if you don't have a clan and just wanna make another Steam friend, HMU!