Now we remember when Bungie sunset more than half the weapons and armor in the game when Beyond Light came out. There were so much backlash that Bungie had to bring back some weapons from the Pit of Heresy and the Shattered Throne to give them relevance and remove the power cap for weapons from Season of the Worthy forward leaving the weapons from the previous seasons to die and be forgotten. With this system that will be no more.
[u][b]The "Sunrise" Update[/b][/u]
This update would change the way Sunsetting works for past weapons. They will return to specific activities (Ex. All Reckoning weapons will drop in Gambit. Gnawing Hunger, Lonesome, and Night Watch will be transferred to Gambit.) Weapons that don't have a home anymore or doesn't fit in any activity can be acquired by using the Umbral Decoder (Like Faction, Black Armory, Menagerie, etc). Strike Specific weapons from Year 1-3 will actually be with Zavala and would cost a bunch of Vanguard tokens for one weapon. Now Raid weapons that can't be acquired by its original activity can be collected by Benedict 90-44 in the tower. He will grant you one random raid weapon with Spoils of Conquest, but will use a large amount of Spoils. Now with this in mind some of you would probably say, "What about my Weapons in my Vault, are they worth keeping?" My answer to you is yes they are.
[u][b]Job for a Gunsmith[/b][/u]
In the Beginning of the "Season of the Splicer", Banshee finally became a bit more relevant to the population with his weekly rotation of weapons and perks. With this idea, this will make him even more relevant like he was during Year 3 of Destiny 1. There will be a [b]ONE[/b] new item which would be called "Gunsmith Blueprints". The Gunsmith Blueprint would be acquired by just killing enemies, Emphasize in killing enemies *COUGH* Transmog. This item can be collected infinity without a collecting cap.
You can use these blueprints to "Sunrise" the weapon which would change the power cap to be infinite like the Weapons from Season 10-present. To help with the the perk pools, the weapon can be rerolled twice. After the second re-roll, the player can choose one out of the three rolls to chose which roll is the best for them, but after the final choice of the perks it can never be rerolled again. Present weapons can also be rerolled like the old weapons.
[u][b]Weapon List and modifications[/b][/u]
All the weapons from year 1 that never had random rolls will finally get to shine. This is the list of where the weapons will be.
[u]Weapons[/u] [u]Loot Source[/u]
Year 1 Vanguard Weapons- Vanguard Strikes
Year 1 Crucible Weapons- Crucible Matches
Year 1-3 Strike Specific Loot-Zavala
Dead Orbit Weapons-Faction Umbral Engram
FWC Weapons- Faction Umbral Engram
New Monarchy Weapons- Faction Umbral Engram
Black Armory Weapons- Forge Umbral Engram
Year 2 world loot drops- World Umbral Engram
Season of Undying Weapons- Undying Umbral Engram
Season of Dawn Weapons- Saints Umbral Engram
Trial of the Nine Weapons- Prophecy Dungeon
Hakke Weapons- Hakke Umbral Engram
Suros Weapons- Suros Umbral Engram
Omolon Weapons- Omolon Umbral Engram
Veist Weapons- Veist Umbral Engram
Reckoning Weapons- Gambit Matches
Menagerie Weapons - Menagerie Umbral Engram
Raid Weapons (With No Raid Available)- Benedict 90-44
Now its Debatable if the Pinnacle weapons should return, but with a strong foundation Destiny can be what we want, which only happens when we speak out. If there is anything you like or dislike about this concept, you can message it below.
Not happening. Sunset/unattainable weapons will continue to be sprinkled across future seasons as “new” weapons and pinnacles will forever be sunset.