I'm literally about to rant. 😠
This post is relatable to many people in the D2 community. There's no other feeling than LOOSING 10 Acendant Shards and 50 PRISMS that was in my postmaster to BLUE CRAP ARMOR AND GUNS.
Why is this still a thing?
Like literally why is this a thing? If you have 3 characters but you're only allowed 10 in inventory.
It takes 3 to MASTERWORK 1 exotic.
And its not because its "my fault" I like to craft builds for END game activities and the reason I hold onto all of the SHARDS and PRISMS I worked so very hard for last season running GM'S is so I can get new gear and builds for this seasons end game activities once I get there.
This isn't the 1st time this has happened to me. I know It's happened to many others. I only ran 2 nightfalls 2! Because I want the hung jury. And my RNG is not balanced 😒
I keep A CLOSE eye on my post while gaming due to experiencing this in the past. And blues have more value over EXOTICS? And not only that but a cheat literally pumped out so many blues that it took up 14 available spaces?!?!
But at this point why is this still a THING? It's a frustrating feeling knowing that all the hard work you did in END game content in a previous season is just simply "first in last out" hours of grinding lost.
It"s unacceptable and needs attention and severely BROKEN. You can have 3 Characters but only hold 10 acendant shards? Its severely broken.
Allowed space for each characters should be able to hold 30 Shards at a time in inventory! Not 10.
To be able to play content get new loot and gear to then MASTERWORK for upcoming endgame activities.
This game used to be enjoyable to me. But at this point it has increased my anxiety and has become more frustrating than leisure at this point.
When will they listen to us about things that actually need to be fixed?
I know I'm not the only one who has experienced this and experienced the frustration im currently feeling.
But that is the last time I loose what I gamed so hard for because at this point it's no longer of value to me.
Because it is entirely broken and its not worth it anymore to me.
Come double rewards I can get them back I know.
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Bungie has stated on so many occasions DO NOT use the postmaster for storage or you risk losing items when will you people learn. This is unavoidable if you just used an app like Dim or Ishtar where you can drag items from your postmaster to your character and then dismantle them. Bungie will not replace these items. [url=https://www.bungie.net/Mobi/en/About/Article?id=12211]Bungie Policy[/url] Simply use Dim or Ishtar and keep an eye on your postmaster if it is getting full just drag it into your loadout and dismantle them. Very simple.
They have said time and time again. Postmaster is NOT STORAGE. Anything you lose there because you store stuff in there is YOUR OWN fault.
EDIT AND ADDITIONAL INFO: Also after doing some research.... I've found that DIM has a "farm mode make space" obviously the developers at DIM have taken this broken system into consideration. Unfortunately I just found out about it a bit late. For anyone else who was "liable" for loosing materials as some people have suggested. 👇👇 Here's something I've found that will most definitely not let that happen again. Destiny Item Manager "Farming mode helps avoid overflowing the postmaster by watching for new items and moving them to the vault if you're running out of space to pick them up. It will keep one slot of each type open so that you have space to pick up engrams or rewards. To start farming, click the character tile you want to farm for, and choose "Farming Mode" from the menu. To stop, click the big "Stop" button." I would imagine with a feature like this someone realized the flawed and broken system and implemented a way around it and fomo or fear of loose materials would be a better statement. I'm thankful that the developers at dim made this a feature because well obviously the first in last out postmaster concept is severely broken and DIM has a feature to avoid this broken system. I'm not sure how accurate it is but moving forward I most definitely will be trying it out. And for anyone else who thinks the alloted space of 10 acendant shards in your inventory is enough space no need for commentating the same thing over and over and its not "storage" etc Its broken. But thankfully I found that option on DIM and most definitely will be trying it out. And hopefully this helps anyone else who may have encountered this issue. And to the guy who lost 240 spoils out of the post thats very unfortunate and I can understand your frustration.
Stop using your vault as storage space sweetie.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
All they have to do is increase share and prism stacks to a reasonable amount. To the same stack size as other items. The restriction is arbitrary in the first place. -
Postmaster is not storage.
Ok, I’ll agree that AS and EP stack size and number of stacks allowed should be increased. I’ll also agree that we get way too many blues to drop. Something like D1’s system with green engrams would be very nice.