Oh man. Feels like a century ago. Always felt that after Bungie brought “faction rallies” instead of “faction wars”, discussion for it turned into deafening silence.
It’s like everyone gave up on asking for new things.
[spoiler]edit: Also, after Bungie brought Destiny 2 in general. lol[/spoiler]
1. Because Bungie introduced the seasonal model and began to fill the content droughts that were spawning those requests. 2. Most people, imo, would rather see Bungie fix the games long-standing problems in the core game play, with the manpower thats available rather than bring in new things that only appeal to a minority of the player base. I'd love to have SRL come back to the game. But (this is just me, and isn't a judgement of anyone else) I don't feel comfortable asking for it when Crucible is a mess. Gambit hasn't seen new content in ages....and major game systems need overhauls. IMO, Bungie needs to fix those things...and then we can talk about SRL.
Everyone accepts it would be a waste of time, destiny is full of limitations so everyone stopped talking about it. I remember players asking for their own rooms to place souvenirs or trophies collected from doing raids. Being able to have an apartment or something really would’ve been nice