The step in the catalyst that requires you to obtain filthy lucre seemed to be much less time consuming in season of arrivals when you were able to obtain a leveling booster on the season pass, it would boost your progress from 1 filthy lucre to 4 or 5 depending on the activity.
The amount of time it takes to complete a strike such as lake of shadows would average to about 3 - 5 minutes. So if I am only getting 1 filthy lucre per game, and I need 300; we are talking 15 hours straight just to complete that part of the quest. I can't be alone in my frustration.
Please help us out, thanks! (P.S. sell the anarchy ornament again)
That progress booster was Bungie's attempt to get players more involved during the Season Witherhoard was released. I've got a few weapons (including Witherhoard) that I'll likely never complete the catalyst for because it'll take forever now.