Arcstaff is incredibly underutalized because of just how much better every other super is. Its clunky, hit reg is messed up, and doing anything with it drains chunks out of your energy.
Furthermore, its one of the only roaming supers with no sort of long range functionaility, right behind Spectral Blades (i know not every super needs long range functionality, but thats what makes others outclass them). This forces players to use other supers that can do what it does, just much better. Allowing the top and botton skilltree to utalize a javelun throw ability (similar to the warmind javelin) would hopefully fix this, and is just an idea.
Edited by TheArtist: 6/17/2021 11:19:12 AMOperator error. 1. It already has a ranged attack. You're just not using it. 2. It has multiple ways to either reduce or evade incoming non-super damage as it tries to close the distance. 3. Hit registration (at least on console) isn't wonky. Its always been solid for that super. (Void-dancer is another story) 4. There is no point in having subclasses if all of them do the same things. What you are basically saying is that Arcstrider is a poor fit to your play style. Then just choose something else. You sound like you would be happier playing Gunslinger. Arcstrider is a subclass based upon a high-agility play style. To use it effectively you have to have a good degree of skill and comfort with the game's movement, and with fighting up close. Where as Gungslinger is about fighting at range.