So, after about 22 runs of VOG, multiple runs of spoil farming, and various other techniques. I find it strange how in none of those runs, none of which awarded me Fatebringer. I don’t know if it’s a case of me having terrible RNG, or issues of that with my profile’s code, but, could you guys maybe look into it? Considering I managed to get Vex mythoclast WAY before I’ve even seen a Fatebringer, this is definitely an issue after grinding for 8 final kabr chests, none of which rewarding the hand cannon. Any feedback would be appreciated, as I am just confused on why it refuses to drop it for me.
[quote]So, after about 22 runs of VOG, multiple runs of spoil farming, and various other techniques. I find it strange how in none of those runs, none of which awarded me Fatebringer. I don’t know if it’s a case of me having terrible RNG, or issues of that with my profile’s code, but, could you guys maybe look into it? Considering I managed to get Vex mythoclast WAY before I’ve even seen a Fatebringer, this is definitely an issue after grinding for 8 final kabr chests, none of which rewarding the hand cannon. Any feedback would be appreciated, as I am just confused on why it refuses to drop it for me.[/quote] They drop from every spot. I got one from the free chest past the front door. Then at challenge then at end this week. 1st was with hunter after titan and warlock flopped. Last try bam it hit. Then i ran Templar 12 times and bought 4