Hey there, I'm working on rebuilding the 'ol D1 | D2 (Year 1) clan and looking for chill players for raiding and crushing seasonal content! We are a small clan of +18 NA | PC player base but open to all platforms when crossplay goes live. We also understand that life happens, if you make a commitment and can't make it that's fine, just let us know so we can adjust accordingly. New and experienced players are welcome to join, the clan is currently in open recruitment: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=524785]Shooting Blanks[/url] If you have a questions you can DM me here or on discord (Dat Data#1044) We are considering moving to a community based discord but our current one is: [url=https://discord.gg/FUbjtfKr2h]discord.gg/FUbjtfKr2h[/url] If you are seeking a large active Destiny 2 discord community then I highly recommend [url=https://discord.gg/vwhcmAyhVz]discord.gg/vwhcmAyhVz[/url], I've always been able to find people to play with there.