[spoiler]Couldn't think of any better ways to put it, 'creature' wouldn't have fit too well since I am including sorcerers... 'Thing' doesn't either but agh! I'm tired - damn it.[/spoiler]
I know I've missed a lot but it's really late and I'm tired so I couldn't think up that many, I'll update it if there's any of your guys favourites not on the poll.
Anyway - my fave is vampires, although Dragons are a [b]very[/b] close second as well as werewolves.
[spoiler]honestly - they're all pretty well tied for first but I guess I'm more in a vamp mood lately.[/spoiler]
I like more "[i]realistic[/i]" vampires, none of this sunlight makes you turn to ash, crosses, holy water or garlics are poisonous stuff.
[spoiler]Although it's not completely realistic in those ways - a unique take on vampires can be found in [b]30 days of night[/b] it's one of my fave horror films.
And [b]Let the right one in[/b].
Also [b]Reign of Fire[/b] is a very old fave of mine too but it's dragons, not those pesky blood suckers![/spoiler]
One thing I do like about them is that they can be pretty versatile, place them in a fantasy, modern or even a sci fi setting and it can work!
Apart from that, [i]I don't know[/i], I guess I've always liked Vampires.
A working McDonalds ice cream machine. [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]