How are raid drops this much of a problem still? I'm not the most upset I have not gotten it. But I have seen 1 person out of all my completions get it. That is 34 clears. There needs to be a recognizable increase in drops, or I need to see what my percentage increase is currently. Because now, I just don't believe that there is bad luck protection. Flat, calling you liars.
And yes, I'm aware it's not good that is not the point here.
You've only had 18 spins of the wheel. Yeah, I know, "only" lol... for me it oughta be guaranteed by the 20th clear, any more than that is downright obnoxious. Bungie, please, listen to your players. Nobody wants to get stiffed for months on end, it happened to a friend of mine on DSC and it really REALLY soured his outlook on the game. When he finally got Eyes, he actually wasnt happy. Wasnt pumped. The salt was palpable. I'm sure this isnt your intention - you really need to rethink your bad luck protection.