Have you ever asked yourself why am I still playing Destiny 2? Well I will tell you, you have put so much time, dedication, and grinding in order to get those extra few pixels that you tell yourself might aswell try the new season to see if they either ruined Destiny a little bit more or whether it be bungie focusing all of there blood, sweat, and tears on what to put up on Eververse next to milk more of your money with new *exclusive shiny armor, emotes, ghost projections, skins, etc.*, telling us it'll be worth the wait but when it comes around I gotta wait hours before I can even play any of the content due to there oh so lovely servers that seems like it cant handle more than 20 people loading in at once, you would think with all that money they're getting from milking every poor soul that steps 1 foot into this game, they'd be able to properly fund a server that doesn't shit itself on reset. The servers weren't even this bad when Season of the Splicer dropped and yet 6-7 hours after reset today they have still yet to find a hotfix for servers crashing "unexpectedly", Lets not forget that when you get the baboon error code you get the lovely Bungie special and spawn in with no heavy, you know that thing that you need for boss fights or what have you, no fix for that either I'm assuming it must really just be everyone's internet connection really sucks that bad. To all the haters that will say well maybe just don't play the game, and to that I'm stopping myself from ever playing this horrible game ever again, but I have a right to speak about the games unsettledness, considering I've played since beginning of D1 when times were way simpler so kick rocks if you got something to say.
I'll save all those new destiny players the hassle to tell you just go play something else this game isn't worth the time and money considering Bungie could careless about what there community has to say about the game, for example who asked for an anarchy nerf I sure didn't, did you? Nope didn't think so, but you know what could use an immediate nerf, Trace rifles in PvP, I'm assuming they don't know about the meta because who in there right mind actually enjoys D2 PvP. I dread the day I have to play it for 1 pinnacle because of 1 of 2 things. You are either going to find hackers every other game, or the absolute sweat goblins that spend every day of every night playing PvP with there 6 man clan running trace rifle, stasis turrets, that are going against your team a bunch of solo players with a hope and a dream of winning just one pvp game without breaking anything in there house. I'm not sure if Bungie Devs actually play there own game, but if they don't I don't blame em frankly I would wanna spend my free time doing something else to.
Thanks for all of that juicy old content back cant wait to see Crota's End Speedrun again in a few weeks. Hopefully Bungie comes to there senses sooner than later I'm sure the drastic decrease in players will sure put a thought in there heads that there might actually be something wrong.
Be free