We need all white shader and all black shader Pure white and Pure black
Should just ditch shaders and go the Anthem route. Being able to not only color but, change texture to gear was pretty cool imo.
Gift of the nine is fully white but I don't think that's available now for newer players but black is needed
the 100% black one would be nice to have, they may have one that is unattainable now, just like the all white one, had to go flawless in Trials of the nine to get it. my thing is be nice to see everything on armor being able to change colour, i main hunter, the dragons shadow will always have its gold, then the ornament always has silver chainmail as well with others for all classes. bonus note, stop making random colors pop up, like i see this is white/gold/black so where the hell did this ugly brown come from but if i could have one thing just one, let us put ornaments on exotics.. who cares about the lore of it, I never see a one eyed and go " oh wow " and start busting out lore porn, plus pvp is the only time it matters, but where it does matter they show what you are using in the intro.
imagine not having a customizable color pallette for all armor in 2021
Edited by Vilhelmus II: 7/9/2021 1:35:27 AMChatterwhite and Superblack. They just need to port them.
Can’t due that. Soft little ❄️ will say it’s racist. Surprised we are not only allowed one shader that includes every color.
Yeah great ….then a lot of people will be running around as just black or white ….boring !
I agree like a color pallet so all your armer is real black or all red etc
I put the original trials shader on my solstice armour and it hurt my eyes and burnt a hole in my TV
We gonna get the rainbow shader first [spoiler]I say this not to disrespect, it’s just you know bungie would do it in a heart beat [/spoiler]
I just want Burnished Dreams. Been trying to get it since Forsaken launched. Still no luck.......
There is like 5 pure white shaders, but i agree with getting a pure black tho.
this I like this
I already have both. Vog shader is white and old trials shaders are all white.
Edited by Tru-Zrue: 7/8/2021 3:41:51 AMI’m working on it!😏
i agree where is bungie at with this i want all black so i can look sexy
And I’m over here wondering why they dialed the glow of gambit jadestone to a blinding degree ever since Beyond Light. Ruined a really good shader imo.
We NEED the game to run smoothly. You WANT shaders.
Edited by Double07: 7/8/2021 5:36:50 PMThere is already a chatter white and super black shader in Destiny 1! Get ahead, Bungie!
Chatter White? Trials of the Nine shader?
It will be sold in the Ever-Worse store soon for 1000 silver!
Unfortunately, people would likely complain that it's racial in some way. What I would prefer they do is allow you to rotate shaders and have them affect your gear accordingly.
I would like neon green and it’s needs to be so bright it hurts to look at
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
What we [b][i]NEED[/i][/b] is to be able to make our own custom shaders. -
No and no. How boring.